(Breitbart) – A Rasmussen survey has some bad news for Hillary Clinton when it comes to any trust factor: over half, or 63 percent, of voters don’t trust her, and a larger number believe she used her role as Secretary of State to help some who gave money to the Clinton Foundation.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of Likely U.S. Voters think it’s likely some actions Clinton took as secretary of State were influenced by donations made to the Clinton Foundation. This includes 42% who say it’s Very Likely. Thirty percent (30%) consider it unlikely that Clinton’s actions were influenced by donations, but that includes only 12% who say it’s Not At All Likely.
Fifty-one percent of voters flat out don’t trust her. Among those, “89% believe some of her actions as secretary of State were likely influenced by foreign donations.” And even among those who say they do trust her, 34% think it’s “likely.”
Nineteen percent (19%) of all voters believe Clinton is more ethical than most politicians. But twice as many (39%) say she is less ethical than her political peers. Thirty-eight percent (38%) view her ethics as about the same as others in politics.
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