Monday, November 30, 2015

Death by Tea Party

Death by Tea Party

NOVEMBER 29, 2015 9:54 AM 
(Tea Party) – It was never the intentions of the Tea Party to target the Democratic Party for demolition, but instead to contain and eliminate socialism within the ranks of America.
The Tea Party mantra of smaller government and lower taxes flew in the face of those who believed big government was the answer, and that higher taxes were a tool for the redistribution of wealth. Little did anyone realize the big-government, high-tax crowd had infested the Democratic Party, and by default the Tea Party unknowingly eviscerated the Democratic Party by electing literally thousands of conservative candidates from dog-catchers, to Senators and Governors. This paradigm shift filled the ranks of the conservative movement and ripped from the clutches of the socialists the power they so lusted after. The result being that the Democrat Party was slowly crushed under its own socialist doctrine.
At one time the Democrat Party would beat their chest and bellow that they owned the dinosaur media and controlled major universities, filling the heads of young, hungry students with socialist doctrines and big government cures. But the liberal socialists didn’t stop there with their bombastic blathering, as they also invented issues out of thin air such as climate change, a.k.a. ‘global warming’ and the war on women, all the while protecting the rights of the mother to kill her baby.
Keyboard bullies, the dinosaur media, the silent treatment, and of course the all-time favorite nonsensical ridicule seemed to be the magic silver bullet to kill the Tea Party, but it appears the political gun has backfired, mortally wounding the attacker while the Tea Party lives on unscathed.
Simply put, their voodoo had no power.
What is politically odd is the fact the Tea Party is filled with Conservative Republicans, Independents, Libertarians and Conservative Democrats,all having the same core beliefs but expressing them in different ways. When these merging viewpoints coalesce into a magnanimous grassroots effort, dynamic clout was created… clout which hasn’t existed since 1776. With this powerful grassroots force, coupled with strategically planned rallies, high-volume websites, armies of radio talk show hosts along with tens of millions of livid Americans, is it any wonder the socialist elites were drowned by the tsunami of Tea Party enthusiasts?
As the primary elections approach for the Republican Party, it is obvious Tea Party favorites are holding a comfortable lead over the rest of the Republican Party candidates and are outpacing the liberal socialists almost 2 to 1.
This begs the question: has the Democrat Party failed to interpret the will of the people, or is it they thought they could make socialist converts out of the American people? Whatever the reason, the American people have become alienated to the so-called ‘greater good’ and have held tight to American exceptionalism.
The voting public has awakened to the sucking sound of a vacuum created by those who declare they create more freedom, but in reality wish to take guns, ammunition, rights to peacefully  assemble, the right to life of the unborn and old-fashioned American privacy. If that wasn’t bad enough, the additions of the new ‘cop-hatred’ movement, the free citizenship to terrorists agenda, and adding in Obamacare has become the ‘coup de grace’ to all those who have falsely declared America’s future is liberal socialism.
Remnants of the once great Republican Party are being replaced by the new conservative movement, one not of blind sheep following the Pied Piper of the old GOP guard, but instead conservative thinking men and women who care less about political correctness and more about the fiber of America.
A new day is dawning in America, one that frightens both the sick donkey and the bloated elephant.
Reviewing the past several years and the growth of the Tea Party, it becomes evident the Democrats and Republicans agree on a few things, one of them being to never mentioned the name ‘Tea Party’ again – not in the media, not in the news on TV or radio shows or from the lips of any candidate. This is a concerted effort to not remind the American people that the largest grassroots movement in American history is still extremely functional and continues to grow, all the while preparing to elect our next President.
So what is to become of the Democrat Party if the loss in the 2016 elections were to be catastrophic?
No doubt the old guard will clamor their hollow victory cries declaring it was their brilliance and money who defeated the angry donkey party… but they will have a difficult time explaining why most of the candidates hold the GOP old guard in disdain while the American people hold the Tea Party and the Tea Party sympathizing candidates in high regard, especially that in-your-face candidate Mr. Trump.
At the end of the day there may not be a clear-cut answer for the Democrat Party. It is quite possible someday America will sing the tune  “….and all the Socialists and all the newsmen couldn’t put the Democrat Party back together again.”
Steve Eichler, President Tea Party/teaparty.org
StevePhoto159x190Steve Eichler is the President of Tea Party, Inc. and serves on the board of several prominent Tea Party organizations and is a lifetime Minuteman. Member in good standing of the International Bar Association. Articles published on: Canada Free Press, World Net Daily, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and is a published book Author.

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