Home of the Savage Nation
image: http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/files/2016/04/Education-establishment.jpg
In today’s issue: A longtime listener in Tennessee called “The Savage Nation” to thank Savage “for years of listening to you, which has changed my life and clarified my thinking.”
“You put things so succinctly that it’s so easy to see,” said the caller, who identified herself as Erica.
She said she had had an encounter Thursday with a 20-year-old man who condemned Andrew Jackson because he owned slaves.
“And he was a beautiful young man, but we have no culture. They’ve taken everything away,” she said.
Savage interjected: “Well, does he also know Andrew Jackson was a great war hero? Did he not learn that in school?
“No, he didn’t learned that,” Erica replied. “I said that.”
Savage continued:
So, the perverted left-wing deviants who have stolen our children from us put hate in their minds about anything white, Christian and male.
“And they’ve destroyed masculinity,” Erica said.
You know, I could almost go berserk right here and start smashing things with my microphone.
I watch World War II documentaries, and I see the field of white men dead on the beaches and dead on the mountains – I want to reach out and strangle someone when they put down the white race.
When I see the legions of the dead who are white who freed the slave, I want to reach out and strangle somebody through the screen.
And I hate the educational establishment for having done this to our children.
They have stolen the heritage from them. They have stolen the very foundations of life from them.
Can we ever get it back, whether it be Trump or Cruz?
I really doubt it.
I think it’s too far gone.
I think it’s though we’re on the rear deck of the Titanic, and most of the ship is already under water some days.
And some days I think that we can right this ship that’s sinking.
But when we have a mad captain in the wheelhouse, who has not tried to avoid the icebergs but steered straight into the icebergs, and is gleefully cheering as the ship goes down, what chance to we have if there’s not a voice of opposition within Congress right now?
image: http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/wp-admin/images/loading.gif
Read more at http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/2016/04/michael-savage-newsletter-they-have-stolen-the-very-foundations-of-life/#a5IXQgwGH8K1oiS2.99
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