Friday, April 20, 2018

Cuba Archives Informing The World

Mail from CubaArchive.org
April 2018
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The dictatorship remains intact with a new a President in Cuba 

Only if sovereignty emanates from the people is a government’s authority legitimate. The selection of Miguel Díaz Canel to the presidency of Cuba --only to replace General Raúl Castro in that role-- is little more than a nominal succession in the totalitarian system that continues to commit grave human rights’ violations against Cuba’s citizens and deny them their fundamental rights.

What the Cuban people need is freedom to exercise all their individual and collective rights, including of self-determination, of life and security of the individual, of free association and expression, to private property and all other economic and labor rights, to freely practice their religion, and to establish and access free press and other means of mass communication and information.

The repressive apparatus, including the political police, must be dismantled and all state agencies must cease committing crimes against the defenseless citizenry. All persecution for ideological or political reasons must cease and persons deprived of their liberty in contradiction with their fundamental rights must be released, including those held for pre-criminal social dangerousness and for so-called economic crimes.

All oppressive laws and regulations must be repealed and the Cuban Constitution and all laws must conform to the state's international human rights’ commitments. A rule of law and an independent judiciary must be established and a comprehensive process of transitional justice be put in place.

A real transition will begin when the above happens. Only then will Cuba experience a hopeful change. World democracies and defenders of freedom are called upon to reject false promises and continue demanding this transformation, supporting the Cuban people in claiming their rightful freedoms.

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