Friday, June 1, 2018

More Fake Immigration News

From AIC Foundation

The corporate media more and more can’t be trusted to provide anything but fake news about immigration. A recent example was the media fit over the false claim that President Trump called all illegal immigrants “animals.” The truth is that he said nothing of the kind. He only applied that term to members of MS-13, a particularly vicious criminal gang with many illegal aliens in its ranks. Its motto is “kill, rape, control.” Animal is a reasonable description of such people. For more information about this false reporting, read AIC Foundation’s Fact Checker article below:

As the corporate media become more inaccurate and dishonest, the powers that be are using various tactics to silence dissent and honest reporting in the alternative media. We suspect this may be happening us, as recently the number of hits on our website have declined without any particular reason. Please help us by sharing this e-newsletter. Also go to our website www.aicfoundation.com, where you can read news and commentary uncensored by any shade of political correctness.

For you interest of you, our readers, we would like to share the YouTube video below of Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson explaining what the purpose of any immigration policy should be. It’s amazing simple and easy to understand. Unfortunately, too many our country’s leaders can’t seem to grasp it.

Please consider a contribution to AIC Foundation so that we can expand our outreach to Americans who deserve better information about immigration than the media commonly provide. To contribute by credit card, go to our website and click the Donate button.

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