General Flynn’s Attorney Sidney Powell Petitions Court To Hold Mueller Gang In Contempt And Kicked Off Case!

(Gateway Pundit) – General Flynn has a real fighter in his attorney Sidney Powell and she is rightfully demanding the Mueller gang be held in contempt. Powell is right no matter what the far left New York Times‘ ‘Russia Collusion’ reporters say.
General Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell filed a BOMBSHELL motion in his case on Friday night per investigative reporter Will Chamberlain from Human Events. The Deep State Mueller gang are finally being outed for the crooks that they are and the crimes they committed by Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell:
You might have missed the news - but @SidneyPowell1 filed a BOMBSHELL motion in @GenFlynn's case on Friday night.
Powell is asking Judge Emmet Sullivan to find the prosecutors in contempt of court and get them thrown off the case for Brady violations.
Analysis thread
First, some basic background: "Brady violations" are when prosecutors fail to disclose evidence that could be favorable to the defense.
This is indispensable to due process, for pretty obvious reasons: if prosecutors can hide evidence they can get unjust convictions/pleas.
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Mueller’s goons withheld Brady material which is not shock since they did the same back in the 2000’s in their Enron related cases as noted in Powell’s “License to Lie“.
Powell argues that the Deep State Mueller gang led by the most corrupt DOJ attorney in US history, Andrew Weissmann, withheld information pertinent to their case:
This is particularly relevant in any case involving Judge Sullivan, who famously threw out former Senator Ted Stevens' conviction - due to Brady violations by the prosecutors in that case.
Stevens' case was covered heavily in @SidneyPowell1's great book, LICENSED TO LIE.
Powell makes a SHOCKING accusation: that prosecutors Brandon Van Grack and Zainab Ahmad, under the direction of Andrew Weissmann,
"affirmatively suppressed evidence that destroyed the credibility of their primary witness [and] impugned their entire case against @GenFlynn."
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The Mueller – Weissmann gang tried to slip in some documents in some late reporting that were very important to the case and yet they claimed they were no big deal:
It looks like @SidneyPowell1's allegations are based on a "voluntary" production of documents by the prosecutors on August 16th.
Van Grack denied that there was any Brady material in the production.
Powell disagreed - and argued that the prosecutors should be HELD IN CONTEMPT!
Note - it's pretty much impossible for outside observers to determine who's right in this case - yet.@SidneyPowell1 filed an accompanying motion under seal, laying out the specific Brady violations, because the relevant evidence was produced under a protective order.
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The Mueller – Weissmann gang isn’t happy so they worked with the far left NYT to conjure up a slanderous rebuttal:
Continuing on: @SidneyPowell1 notes what the consequences of a contempt finding by Judge Sullivan would be.
The existing prosecutors would be thrown off the case, and DOJ would have to appoint new prosecutors.
Just as happened in the Ted Stevens case.
Under Judge Sullivan.
Van Grack, Ahmad, and Andrew Weissmann probably aren't very happy right now.
This motion threatens not only their prosecution of @GenFlynn, but their careers and their professional reputations.
They haven't filed their response yet.
But the NYT has. …
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Here Chamberlain discusses the NYT’s slanderous hit-piece:
I cannot stress how appalling this NYT article - by @adamgoldmanNYT - is.
It is purportedly news, not opinion.
But it reads like Pravda.
It's full of editorializing, and at times straight up falsehoods.
He - and the @nytimes - should be ashamed.
Let's start with the first paragraph.@adamgoldmanNYT accuses @SidneyPowell1 of "recycling unfounded conspiratorial accusations" against the prosecutors.
Is this the opinion section?
"Recycling" suggests this motion was filed previously. It wasn't.
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The NYT’s is still the same:
"Unfounded" suggests that there is no evidence underlying the claim that the prosecutors suppressed Brady evidence.
How could @adamgoldmanNYT know that?
As we discussed above, the relevant evidence was produced on August 16th - under a protective order!
That's just pure pejorative.
It could have been applied to the defense lawyers in the Stevens case, who accused federal prosecutors of withholding Brady material.
Which they were.
Contemptible, @adamgoldmanNYT!
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Adam Goldman from the NYT’s was one of the few Deep State reporters who pushed Deep State stories early in the Trump Presidency in an effort to damage the Presidency and the President:
The prosecutors' brief - sorry, @nytimes article by @adamgoldmanNYT - continues with more ridiculous framing.
Goldman argues that @SidneyPowell1's filing could "anger" Judge Sullivan.
Why wouldn't Judge Sullivan be angrier about the alleged Brady violations?
Next, @adamgoldmanNYT suggests that the filing will "amplify[] right-wing theories about a so-called deep state of government bureaucrats working to undermine President Trump."
Nowhere in her brief does @SidneyPowell1 refer to a deep state.
But Goldman doesn't care.
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Goldman is still a Deep State parrot spitting out whatever the Deep State wants him to report:
Read this bit. @adamgoldmanNYT argues that Powell's motion has "heightened speculation" that @GenFlynn is "making a bid for a pardon."
Speculation by whom? When? Why?
Not mentioned. Goldman provides no evidence for this claim.
That makes his claim - shall we say - unfounded?
Here's perhaps the most RIDICULOUS part of @adamgoldmanNYT's piece.
He notes that Powell is seeking a security clearance to review @GenFlynn's classified conversations with Sergey Kislyak.
Then he discusses the contents of those transcripts - which he apparently knows!
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Clearly Goldman is being force fed or how else would he know what he is reporting:
Hold the phone!
How does @adamgoldmanNYT know the contents of classified NSA transcripts relevant to Flynn's culpability?
And how can he argue with a straight face that @sidneypowell1 has filed an "unfounded" motion - to see those very transcripts?
She's @GenFlynn's LAWYER!
This is a mischaracterization from @adamgoldmanNYT.
I attended this hearing back in December 2018.
Judge Sullivan criticized @GenFlynn's lawyers, counsel from Covington & Burling.
Not Flynn himself.
And that was because - in the same papers - Flynn was admitting guilt.
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Goldman is ‘flat out false’ per Chamberlain (i.e. he lies):
This is simply false from @adamgoldmanNYT.@GenFlynn did not change his story re: Turkey.
He conceded to making materially false statements in his FARA filing - but NOT to making them KNOWINGLY, as @SidneyPowell1 explained in an earlier filing.
A simple review of @GenFlynn's statement of offense (from his plea) clearly demonstrates that @adamgoldmanNYT's accusation is flat-out false.
The statement of offense includes discussion of "knowing" lies with regard to his FBI interview.
NOT his FARA filing on Turkey.
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Finally, a hearing is scheduled soon. Goldman will no doubt be wrong again.
A simple review of @GenFlynn's statement of offense (from his plea) clearly demonstrates that @adamgoldmanNYT's accusation is flat-out false.
The statement of offense includes discussion of "knowing" lies with regard to his FBI interview.
NOT his FARA filing on Turkey.
Enough. @adamgoldmanNYT owes Powell and @GenFlynn apologies, though they aren't likely forthcoming.
Judge Sullivan has scheduled a hearing September 10th, here in DC.
I'll be there.
Should be explosive.
Because Judge Sullivan doesn't like crooked prosecutors.
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The NYT, CNN, CNBC, ABC, The WaPo, MSNBC, CBS, etc… continue with their dishonest reporting. They prove once again that they will never stand on the side of truth and decency.
And they are still being force fed talking points and lies from the Deep State.
Let’s hope more Americans wake up to their dishonesty soon!
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