Saturday, December 7, 2019

Court Denies FBI Effort To Block

Court Denies FBI Effort To Block Release Of Secret Records About FBI-Clinton Lawyer Meeting On Russia

Judicial Watch strikes again!
(Gateway Pundit) – Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Friday announced that US District Judge James E. Boasberg, an Obama appointee, denied FBI efforts to keep secret records about a Clinton lawyer’s meeting with FBI lawyer James Baker related to ‘Trump Russia.’
In October of 2018, former FBI lawyer James Baker testified that he received a packet of information from Michael Sussmann, a Perkins Coie law partner (and former DOJ lawyer) targeting Trump during the 2016 presidential election.
Perkins Coie was the same law firm that represented the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign — Hillary funneled money through Perkins Coie to pay for the phony Russia dossier.
“It was like — my recollection was it was a stack of material I don’t know maybe a quarter inch half inch thick something like that clipped together, and then I believe there was some type of electronic media, as well, a disk or something,” James Baker said to the House Judiciary and Oversight committees.
Baker also told lawmakers that Sussmann had shared some of the damaging information on Trump to the media.
FBI Director Wray is still covering for Hillary Clinton, but a federal judge on Friday blocked the FBI/DOJ from keeping these communications under wraps.
Via Judicial Watch:
Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg denied a Justice Department effort to block the release of any communications between former FBI General Counsel James Baker and Michael Sussmann, a Perkins Coie law partner and former DOJ attorney, who reportedly met with Baker to share information targeting Donald J. Trump during the presidential campaign. While at Perkins Coie, Sussmann represented the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the time Perkins Coie secretly paid for the development of the anti-Trump dossier the DOJ used to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. The court specifically rejected the FBI’s argument that it needed to protect the “privacy” of Hillary Clinton’s lawyer.
Judge Boasberg ruled: “[A]ny risk of invasion [of privacy] evaporated once Baker publicly testified that he had received documents from Sussmann, as well as met with and spoken to him on multiple occasions in 2016.”
“The FBI is corruptly trying to keep secret documents to protect those behind the Russiagate smears of President Trump,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Two federal courts have now rejected the FBI’s desperate attempts to hide the details of its anti-Trump conspiracy with Hillary Clinton’s Fusion GPS-FBI spy operation. Why is Director Wray allowing the corrupt cover up the FBI’s Russiagate collusions with the Clinton gang?”

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