Friday, December 27, 2019

CUBA DECIDE launches a new invitation

Cuba Free to Decide

CUBA DECIDE launches a new invitation, a call to action in order to achieve democratic changes in Cuba
Havana, Cuba
By way of an innovative video, launched today, the Cuba Decide campaign called both Cubans and their allies around the world to join its platform, in order to act and promote all the necessary steps to achieve democratic changes on the Island. The video serves as an awakening to address the trauma shared by the many generations of Cuban people that have lived under the dictatorship, and proposes a strategy to overcome the affliction.
The message of “A Cuba Free to Decide” is not political/partisan, but a citizen's call to action. It is an invitation to use our unified voices in order to force a peaceful change to the system on the Island, thus building a country where we can pursue happiness in a true democracy. A Cuba for all Cubans.
With the call to join the campaign, Cuba Decide urges everyone to start 2020 by sharing the video “A Cuba Free to Decide” on their social networks, and, within the Island, by all available means; to talk with friends to recognize challenges and overcome fears; and to be part of the solution by joining the Cuba Decide movement.
About Cuba Decide

Cuba Decide is a citizen initiative to change the political and economic system in Cuba provoking a peaceful transition process towards democracy.
Generate the pressure necessary to force the regime to submit to the will of the people through coordinated non-violent action of the citizens and the international community.
Convert thousands of Cubans into agents of change through a platform that informs, involves, and mobilizes citizens on the Island.
Cubans must be free to decide their future.
To make the change, Cuba Decide proposes that the will of Cubans be expressed and complied with through a binding plebiscite in Cuba ―a direct vote of the people― to answer the following question:
Are you in agreement with the convening of free, fair and plural elections exercising freedom of expression and of the press, and organizing freely in political parties and social organizations with total plurality?
Yes or No?
A tremendous mobilization effort is under way!
Learn more and join our movement at cubadecide.org.
Be part of our conversations on Facebook.com/CubaDecide and on Twitter and Instagram by following the user @CubaDecide and using the #CubaDecide tag
FDP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which promotes the Cuba Decide platform alongside thousands of Cubans.
Cuba Decide

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