Historian Doug Wead: Every Foreign Intelligence Service Knew Within 24 Hours Trump-Russia Collusion Was Bogus Story (Video)

(Gateway Pundit) – Presidential historian and author Doug Wead joined Molly Line on FOX News on Thursday morning to discuss the upcoming impeachment trial in the US Senate.
For years now the Democrats and their mainstream media have insisted that America has lost its standing in the world thanks to President Donald Trump.
Democrats do this while ignoring President Trump’s historic international successes in trade agreements, NATO obligations, the defeat of ISIS, the embassy move in Israel and dissolving Obama’s sham Iranian nuclear agreement.

Author Doug Wead went on to discuss the international reaction to the Democrat Party’s continued attacks on this president. Wead claims the international community immediately knew the Russia-collusion narrative was a hoax and didn’t need two years to investigate this sham.
Doug Wead: As far as Russian collusion, I have to tell you in my book there’s a great story there. The kids, the Trump kids are traveling all over the world, heads of state are pulling them aside in 2017 and they’re saying, “Please tell your father how sorry we are about this Russian collusion nonsense.” So there you go. If you’re the president of China or president of France you can’t wait two years for the Mueller report. You have your own secret service, there’s 120 intelligence services in the world. Everyone of them checked this out. They knew within 24 hours that this was a bogus story. The future of their country depended on knowing that. So this has kind of lingered on a little too long.
Doug Wead is the author of “Inside Trump’s White House – The Real Story of his Presidency.”

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