Thursday, December 5, 2019

I Would Vote For Impeachment

FNC’s Napolitano: I Would Vote For Impeachment If I Were In Congress

(Breitbart) – On Wednesday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano said he would vote for impeachment because the Democrats “have credibly argued” that President Donald Trump has obstructed Congress.
Napolitano said, “I believe that the Democrats have credibly argued that he committed impeachable offenses. The easiest one, because this existed in Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton — is obstruction of Congress.”
He continued, “So by directing his subordinates to refuse to comply with the lawfully-issued subpoenas—whether it’s for testimony or for documents—that’s an impeachable offense. We know that from history. Every time the House of Representatives has looked at that, with respect to a President, it has found it to be impeachable. On that, reasonable minds cannot disagree without rejecting history, rejecting Constitutional norms.”
Host Bill Hemmer asked, “So if you were in the House, would you vote for impeachment, sir? Yes or no?”
Napolitano said, “I certainly would on — well, I’ll never be in the House. But I would on that count.”
Flashback: FNC’s Napolitano Questions Trump’s ‘Fitness For Office’ — He Has ‘Criminally Obstructed,’ Disparaged Constitution
On Friday’s broadcast of Fox Nation’s “Liberty File,” Fox News judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano questioned if President Donald Trump is unfit to serve in the White House.
Napolitano said, “In nearly three years in office, President Donald Trump has spent federal dollars not authorized by Congress, separated families and incarcerated children at the Texas-Mexico border in defiance of a federal court order, pulled 1,000 American troops out of Syria ignoring a commitment to allies and facilitating war against civilians there, and sent 2,000 American troops to Saudi Arabia without a congressional authorization or declaration of war.”

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