Sunday, December 8, 2019

Man Acquitted By Judge For Offering $500 To Kill ICE Agent

Man Acquitted By Judge for Offering $500 to Kill ICE Agent Brandon Ziobrowski, 35, was arrested after tweeting in 2018 By: Sarah George  |@NeonNettle on 8th December 2019 @ 8.00pm © press Last year, th man charged with the use of interstate and foreign commerce to transmit a threat to injure another person A New York man who offered $500 to anyone who would kill a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent (ICE) was acquitted in Boston on Friday.Brandon Ziobrowski, 35, was arrested after tweeting in 2018 :"I am broke, but I will scrounge and literally give $500 to anyone who kills an ice agent."Ziobrowski was charged with the use of interstate and foreign commerce to transmit a threat to injure another person. He faced up five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. © press Ziobrowski’s attorney, Derege Demissie, said the case 'should never have gone this far,' Have your say - ⇓ Hit the comments below ⇓After the federal jury announced the decision Friday, Ziobrowski said: “It seemed like the right verdict."“It’s been a horrible year. I’m glad it’s over," he said, according to NBC news.TRENDING: Muslim Democrat Who Says Christian Prayer is Offensive Arrested for Charity FraudZiobrowski’s attorney, Derege Demissie, said the case “should never have gone this far,” saying, “The government turned a tweet that was made in jest – a hyperbolic political statement – into a federal case.”Demissie argued his client's comments were constitutionally protected speech.He added that Ziobrowski’s comments were blown “out of proportion" by federal prosecutors.“This is a guy who tweets about all kinds of things and said outrageous things,” he said, NBC News reported. © press In a Friday statement, Andrew Lelling, U.S. attorney for the District of Massachusetts, said he respects the findings of the jury In a Friday statement, Andrew Lelling, U.S. attorney for the District of Massachusetts, said he respects the findings of the jury:"But in this case, the defendant posted a tweet that, on its face, offered $500 to anyone who killed a federal agent," Lelling said."In 2019, over 100 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty.""The public needs to know that, regardless of today's verdict, we will never hesitate to prosecute apparent threats against law enforcement officers."Ziobrowski had previously tweeted his desire to “slit” the late Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) throat, according to the original indictment.In 2008, he began weeting threats against law enforcement:“Guns should only be legal for shooting the police like the second amendment intended.”

READ MORE: https://neonnettle.com/news/9676-man-acquitted-by-judge-for-offering-500-to-kill-ice-agent
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