Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Please Support Our Work

Vea abajo la versión en español.

We really need your support!

Dear friends,

2019 has been a very busy year for us (see highlights below) and we have so much more to do. To continue our work, we really need your support!  

Free Society Project, Cuba Archive, is an “activist think tank” that promotes the understanding and observance of human rights particularly through research and publications. Our goal is to advance freedom and other urgent aspirations of those living in oppression in Cuba or who are directly impacted by the Cuban regime. Aside from our longtime work documenting deaths and disappearances and working on transitional justice issues, we also continue to focus on human exploitation/trafficking and on Venezuela.

The Cuban dictatorship devotes enormous resources to spreading its influence and propaganda globally. Yet, truth is disproportionately effective —in an instant, it can undo millions of dollars of disinformation. That's why our efforts are devoted to providing victim-centered facts. Our work makes a difference; it is cited in media venues throughout the world and our reports and newsletters are seen by many influential people in governments, policy tanks, academia, and international organizations. It also reaches civil society activists and other important actors inside Cuba starved for information.

All our work is produced by a staff of just three professionals with part-time compensation (and lots of pro bono work) and a few freelance contractors. But results exceed —in scope, quality, and impact— those of similar projects worldwide with a much larger staff of full-time workers.

In 2020, we have great plans that include a more user-friendly website and exciting new initiatives.

Because we have so much more to do, we really need your help!

We ask for your support and generosity. Please donate via Pay Pal or send a check in the name of Free Society Project to P.O. Box 612224, North Miami, FL 33261-2224. Our Facebook page is also set up to receive donations and for dedicated fundraisers on your own birthday. (Donations are tax-deductible in the U.S.)  Also, see here other ways to help advance this work. It is especially important to have your testimony if you have information on any death or disappearance.

To all our supporters, our heartfelt thanks. To all our readers, thanks for your interest and for disseminating our work.

Best wishes for the holiday season and in the coming year.

From Cuba Archive’s Board of Directors and Staff

Highlights of Cuba Archive's work in 2019
  • Publishing the book Cuba’s intervention in Venezuela: a strategic occupation of global implications in English and in Spanish by Dec. 15th.
  • Presenting our work in TV and radio shows and at events and conferences in different cities including at the OAS Permanent Council and Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
  • Doing advocacy by directly engaging “influencers” from many countries and organizations.
  • Gathering direct testimony and information on victims and conducting research on historical events.
  • Constantly updating and populating our electronic database of deaths and disappearances, offered free online with over 10,950 individual records to date.
  • Publishing myriad fact-based reports and newsletters on topics mostly not addressed elsewhere that reach thousands of influential people in many countries.
  • Maintaining an updated website with quality content that reaches a large worldwide audience.
  • Regularly posting unique information on social media (Facebook and Twitter).
  • Supporting human rights defenders and civil society actors in Cuba and collaborating with many other human rights organizations.
  • Addressing numerous inquiries and requests from researchers, organizations, students, and assorted interested parties from different countries.
Free Society Project, Inc., 2019. ©All rights reserved.
Reproduction and redistribution of this material are authorized as long as the source is cited.

We need your support to continue this work
Please visit our How to Help page to make a donation and learn how to help
disseminate this work. Also, share it with your contacts.
Cuba Archive’s Truth and Memory Project, an initiative of the Free Society Project,
documents loss of life and trafficking in persons attributed to the Cuban revolution
and promotes the understanding of transitional justice issues —truth, memory, and justice.

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