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Over the years, Rush Limbaugh has arguably been the most listened to voice on radio. Over the years, Dennis Michael Lynch has arguably been the most listened to voice on Facebook Live.
Consider the approach of both men when it comes to the impeachment trial and the potential for calling on witnesses to testify.
Rush, who during a TV interview with the second most popular radio show host in America, Sean Hannity, promised voters in October 2018 that there would be no “blue wave” in the mid term elections. He said the GOP would not only keep the House, but they’d pick up more seats in the US Senate. Hannity agreed with him. Turns out, Rush was grossly mistaken as a blue wave not only took place, but its the reason why we have an impeachment trial today.
DML on the other hand warned that a blue wave would indeed take shape, and warned the House would be lost to Democrats. He was confident the Senate would remain red, but overall feared the president’s ability to get things done would be crushed. He also said there would be an impeachment trial. And he was correct.
In terms of calling witnesses, this week Rush said the following: “I think this witnesses thing is a ploy. It’s a trick. It’s done simply to extend this, to prolong the opportunity to dirty it up — and to eventually dirty up the acquittal, to taint the acquittal, which is obviously what parts of this is about. But I’ll tell you why. I’ll tell you why I say “no” to witnesses. It’s real simple. ‘Cause the Democrats are asking. “No! You don’t run the Senate.” The Democrats want witnesses, and there’s no need for witnesses.”
DML doesn’t agree with Rush. DML says, “The Dems don’t want witnesses, what they really want is the GOP to vote against witnesses. Yes, it’s a game — it’s a way to force the only narrative that works for the Dems in this entire circus. The Dems need to run with the narrative that the GOP was part of a huge cover up and therefore, the American people must give the Senate back to the blue aisle. And then, when that happens, the Dems will have the House and Senate and will rid of Trump through a second impeachment after his reelection. So the best thing the Republicans can do is play fire with fire. Allow the witnesses to speak, or call them up and let them sit there taking the 5th, either way, the Democrats will come out looking like the slime buckets they are. Let this thing play out all the way until the election.  If so, I am telling you that the American people will get the real story and in the process, get really pissed off at the Dems for dragging this crap out for as long as they did. The Republicans will therefore win back the House and keep the Senate.”