Just For Kicks: US Senate Votes Down Chuck Schumer Motion To Bring In John Bolton To Testify — After Voting Down All Witnesses

(Gateway Pundit) – The US Senate voted on impeachment witnesses for their impeachment trial.
18 witnesses were already called in the House.
The Republicans were not allowed any of their requested witnesses in the US House sham impeachment.
Republican Senators Romney and Collins voted with Democrats.
The motion failed 51-49.
There will be no witnesses.
On Friday evening Chuck Schumer requested a vote to call in former Trump advisor John Bolton.
That got shot down too… Just for kicks.
“Sham Trial… Tragedy On Very Large Scale” – Chuck Schumer Rages After Witnesses Shot Down In Sham Impeachment (Video)
Cryin’ Chuck Shumer suffered a meltdown after the US Senate voted 51-49 to reject witnesses in the sham impeachment.
Democrats were sooo hoping this latest coup attempt would do the trick.
It doesn’t look that way.
Cryin’ Chuck ran to the cameras after the witness vote.
The Senate is currently on break until further notice.
The impeachment may wind down tonight or later this weekend.
Featured image credit: Gage Skidmore – flickr.com/photos/gageskidmore/32306114654
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