Washington Democrats Push Mandatory LGBTQ-Focused Sex Ed For Kindergartners

(Breitbart) – Parents in the state of Washington are fighting a Democrat bill that would mandate LGBTQ-focused sex ed for children, including kindergartners.
Democrats in the State House are pushing House Bill 2184, a measure that would mandate “comprehensive sexual health education” by the year 2022.
Informed Parents of Washington, a group that describes itself as “a coalition of parents dedicated to fighting Comprehensive Sexxx [sic] Education in our schools and legislation that imposes upon parental rights,” is warning parents about the dangers of the legislation.
The Democrat narrative behind the legislation is that such a bill would establish “equity,” i.e., equal access to sexual health information, especially with regard to the topics of “affirmative consent” and the needs of LGBTQ students.
A work group composed of 16 women that reviewed K–12 sex ed provisions in the state concluded in its final report that “members agree all students would benefit from K–12 comprehensive sexual health education.”
The conclusion, however, was reached after the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) conducted a survey about the issue and received more than 10,000 responses, nearly three-fourths of which came from females. Ironically, the work group found 58 percent of survey respondents said comprehensive sexual health education (CSHE) should not be required in grades K–12, and 42 percent said that it should be required.
Nevertheless, the work group stated:
The Sexual Health Education Workgroup agreed that all students in Washington’s public schools should have access to comprehensive sexual health education (CSHE) in grades K–12. Mandating CSHE is an issue of equity and would help to ensure all students across the state receive quality, evidence-informed instruction, regardless of who they are or where they live. The Workgroup found that several groups are often excluded from relevant, inclusive instruction, including students in out of home care, students with disabilities, students who identify as LGBTQ+, and English learners, among others.
The website of Washington Rep. Michelle Caldier (R) provides a radio report with John Sattgast in Olympia about the bill.
“When I looked at the curriculum, I’d be happy to read some of this stuff, but I will tell you I know that the chair would gavel me because it is completely inappropriate for me to say here,” Caldier said about the proposed mandated sex ed curriculum. “And I think that if it is inappropriate for me to say on the dais, I don’t think that’s something that I would want to teach a kindergartner.”
Sattgast observed that 97 people signed up to testify, yet only 16 were permitted to do so within the time limit.
Though the bill to mandate comprehensive sex ed died in the last legislative session, the current bill is equally as controversial, stated Washington conservative radio host Jason Rantz of The Jason Rantz Show on AM 770 KTTH.
“And it’s fueled less about meeting the sexual needs of young kids (these needs don’t exist), than it is about pushing a very specific social justice agenda on gender identity for all classrooms,” he stated.
According to the Democrats’ proposal, called “Rights, Respect, Responsibility: A K-12 Curriculum” (3Rs), kindergartners would learn about the proper names for body parts, but only after a “note on language” clarifies that biology is subservient to gender identity.
“You will notice that this lesson refers to ‘girls’ and ‘boys’ and ‘male’ and ‘female’ when identifying body parts,” states the note to teachers. “Lessons in higher grades use more precise language and begin to introduce a broader concept of gender.”
With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, teachers are instructed to tell the young children:
Most girls have a vulva, which is the name for the area between the legs. The vulva describes the whole area including the small hole where urine or pee comes out called the opening to the urethra, the hole below that, which is a little bigger and is called the vagina that is used when a female has a baby, and the hole below that where a bowel movement, or poop, comes out called the anus. So a person with a vulva has three holes between their legs and a very sensitive little area at the top called the clitoris.…Most boys have a penis between their legs which they use to urinate or ‘pee.’ Some boys have a foreskin, which is a piece of skin that covers the end of the penis and some boys do not. A boy also has a hole where a bowel movement, or poop, leaves the body called an anus, just like a girl.
In the proposal, first graders would begin to learn about gender roles. Teachers are instructed to read My Princess Boy prior to the lesson and then ask the children:
“Does the job a person has, or what they wear mean the person is a man or woman?” (No) “Do the activities someone likes to do for fun or what they wear mean they are a boy or a girl?” (No)…Close the lesson by asking “How could you support others in trying new things and participating in activities that some people may sometimes say are only for boys or only for girls?” Ask for volunteers to offer strategies. (Some responses might include: tell them that you think it’s great; tell them that they shouldn’t listen to what other people think; tell them that you will do it with them; tell them that there is no such thing as girl activities and boy activities, etc.)
In the Democrats’ proposal, sixth graders would learn “language … that seems less familiar – using the pronoun ‘they’ instead of ‘her’ or him,’ using gender neutral names in scenarios and role-plays and referring to ‘someone with a vulva’ vs. a girl or woman.”
“This is intended to make the curriculum inclusive of all genders and gender identities,” states the proposal.
Informed Parents of Washington noted as well what the “3Rs” curriculum will teach 15-year-olds about “sexting”: “Sexting is here to stay folks. The real issue is consent. If you think about it like that, then sexting is just another aspect of normal sexual behavior.”
“That’s what The 3Rs curriculum wants to tell your 15-year-old, using a video the IT will have to unblock so it can be shown,” the parents’ coalition posted to Facebook.
“Then they’ll discuss scenarios that make sexting seem like the norm,” the parents add. “For homework kids go out and share their newfound knowledge with at least four friends. Though they do tell students that naked photos of kids under 18 is illegal, if they were serious about discouraging kids from sexting they would take a different, more serious approach.”
Featured image credit: torbakhopper – flickr.com/photos/gazeronly/27915119241
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