Christine Douglass-Williams “Sharia Crime Stoppers” news briefing
In this new video, I give a news briefing for the Sharia Crime Stoppers’ “Make America Think Again” series.
All of these stories with the exception to the Lifesite News feature are found here on Jihad Watch.
The first part of briefing — (Beware the Northern Border: Canada) — addresses the following topics:
- Omar Khadr, convicted al Qaeda war criminal, invited to be keynote speaker at Dalhousie University.
- Rebel Media Ezra Levant encounters Omar Khadr at the airport. Video of the confrontation with police shown.
- Background of Khadr case as well as his infamous al-Qaeda family is discussed as well as Khadr now seeking to recant his confession of war crimes now.
- Lifesite News calls Canada’ PM Trudeau: The ‘most dangerous man in Canadian political history’ for his plan to regulate online news. Also, a revisit of Canada’s ‘anti-Islamophobia’ motion M-103 of which its follow-up plan called for unreasonable censuring.
- Trudeau meets with Iranian foreign minister merely less than a month after Iran shot down the Ukraine passenger jet
- Sharia financing soaring in Canada
Other topics include:
- Georgetown University Bridge Initiative wants to re-litigate the trial of the Hamas-linked charity known as the Holy Land Foundation. This will bear huge impact on recognizing Muslim Brotherhood networks.
Hungary joins new American religious freedom alliance, declares ‘liberalism’ to be over - The Iranian regime is using Soleimani’s daughter Zeinab to persuade terrorist organizations, both Sunni and Shi’ite, to carry out attacks against the United States.
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