Saturday, March 28, 2020

Are They Going To Check His Family?

Texas Judge: National Guard Troops To Conduct Door-To-Door Coronavirus Checkups

Dallas County judge says troops will be on ‘medical mission’ inquiring about contact with coronavirus patients
(Infowars) – A county judge says Texas National Guard troops will go door-to-door in Dallas neighborhoods to ask about coronavirus, as residents are under shelter-in-place orders to stay home during the outbreak.
According to NBC affiliate KXAN, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins claimed the troops would merely be conducting a “medical mission,” and not enforcing quarantine restrictions.
“Uh, it’s pretty serious when you know the national guard, the Texas National Guard that they’re heading out to neighborhoods in the Dallas area,” reported KXAN’s Sally Hernandez.
Judge Jenkins “said Texas National Guard troops would be on a ‘medical mission,’ and not there for law enforcement reasons. They would check in with people to see who may have come in contact with coronavirus patients,” KXAN reported Friday.
Jenkins, an anti-Trump Democrat, later tried to tamp down “conspiracy theories” on Twitter, saying National Guard nurses, who would be wearing military uniforms, would only be “doing tracing interviews.”

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