Tuesday, May 3, 2022


90 Days to Secure Our Elections!
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End Ballot Harvesting 
and Ballot Trafficking! 

90 Days to Secure Our Elections
By Christine Reagan, National Grassroots Director

There are many state and national security breaches in our election system that can only be remedied through legislation at the state level.

When it comes to ballot harvesting and trafficking, it starts with state policies on the handling of absentee and mail-in voting. 

Our best chance of reducing the number of vulnerable ballots that can be stolen, harvested, and trafficked is to ensure all 50 states are aligned in the following five ways: 
  • No All-Mail Voting
  • No Automatic Voter Registration
  • STRICT Absentee Ballot Security Policy
  • Strong Anti-Ballot Harvesting/Trafficking Laws and Enforcement
  • No Unsecured, Unsupervised Drop Boxes 
State Law

In every ‘All Mail’ states, we have a significant number of unreturned ballots, jeopardizing election security. The moment a ‘floating’ mailed ballot is left unreturned, it creates a serious chain of custody risk, in which the ballot can be lost, sold or stolen and an illegal vote can be cast with or without the knowledge of the recipient. In fact, in All-State Mail Ballot states, those state ASSUME that the intended recipient IS the voter. 

Our signature verification process provides no protection in these states. 

Voter Turn Out

To make matters worse… 

States with All-Mail voting combined with automatic voter registration create other serious security risks that are compounded when combined with a failure to provide US Citizenship verification at the DMV. In six states, anyone that acquires a state issued driver's license or identification card are automatically registered to vote. (See chart above).

Evidence lifted in local canvassing efforts across the country are revealing serious elder abuse, in which members of staff who have access to residents in assisted living housing have harvested large numbers of ballots that were cast for Joe Biden in 2020, without their knowledge, some lacking the mental capacity to know. 

In addition, we have knocked on doors where illegal residents reside, and they are very surprised to learn their ballots were stolen and votes were cast in their name, when they had no intention of voting. 

These cases cannot happen in states where you must appear in person to cast your vote. 

In the name of the COVID pandemic, we allowed one of the worst election security breaches in US history with nearly every state waiving in-person voting! 

Not letting a good opportunity go to waste, Zuckerberg, and his lackies, funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to targeted battleground states! Between the chaos surrounding Covid and the new, bountiful supply of unsecured paper ballots, ballot drop boxes, and state DMV and voter roll data, including inactive voters, they registered voters, harvested, and trafficked ballots through paid “mules” to unsupervised ballot drop boxes across the country and significantly affected the outcomes of the 2020 election.

This is only ONE of the many ways the states have failed the American people in our last election. 

14 States (1/3 of the country) are still waiting for pre-Covid election laws and procedures to be restored. 

Eight States have All Voter Mail-In Ballots combined with Auto Voter Registration including California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, and Washington. 

Potential Unreturned Ballots

And that’s not all! Aside from California and Colorado, six states do not require proof of citizenship to acquire a driver’s license or state issued ID card and every person entered into the department of motor vehicles database is automatically registered to vote

Any illegal aliens acquiring a driver’s license and living in these states will likely receive a mail-in ballot. 

Automatic Voter Registration

18 states, 19 counting the District of Columbia, have passed automatic voter registration after 2015.

These states include Alaska*, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia*, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan*, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont*, and Virginia*. *Georgia is a Republican controlled state and the four are divided, bi-partisan controlled states. 

The automatic voter registration includes young adults who will be 18 years of age prior to election day, even though US Census records show young adults ages 18-24 only have a 48% voter turnout rate. 

Covid Emergency Order All Voter Mail-In Voting

A whopping 18 states voted for mail-in ballots for all voters including Alabama*, Arkansas*, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. 
Alabama* and Arkansas* are the only two with laws to prohibit Ballot Harvesting and Trafficking, leaving these states wide open for election tampering.

None of these states had strict absentee ballot requirements prior to Covid, so if we can restore pre-Covid mail-in ballot procedures, we require security reforms to restrict Absentee Mail-In Voting and 16 states require reforms to prohibit Ballot Harvesting and Trafficking immediately!

Nearly a third of states still require their Governors to end emergency powers related to election procedures. 

Eleven States have Strict Absentee Voting Lawsincluding Alaska, Connecticut*, Florida, Georgia*, Indiana, Kansas*, Kentucky*, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Texas*, and Virginia*. *Six states still have active Covid Emergency Powers in place. 

Connecticut and Kentucky have extended Covid Emergency Laws allowing ALL VOTERS to vote by Mail-In Ballot and Louisiana provided extended allowances to voters at Covid risk or in quarantine due to Covid, nullifying their otherwise strict mail-in ballot laws. 

Florida, Kentucky, and Louisiana provide additional security from Ballot Harvesting and Trafficking laws, leaving eight states requiring legal prohibitions.

ALERT. Connecticut has a pending resolution HJ00114 to allow for a ‘No Excuse Absentee Ballot’ which would remove them from the list of states with Strict Absentee Mail-In Voting Requirements. 

States with No Excuse or Unstrict Absentee Ballot Requirements

Thirty-nine states have loose laws that jeopardize ballot security requiring legislative action. 

Secured Drop Boxes that are properly secured in a government facility ONLY apply to the state of Florida and Georgia, leaving 48 states with unsecure drop boxes! 

ALERT. The DOJ has filed a lawsuit against the State of Georgia for changing their laws related to the securing of drop boxes within government secured buildings accessible to the public only during business hours. These are the same drop boxes that were only just funded by Zuckerbucks in the 2020 election in the name of Covid assistance and are recently the subject of a ballot harvesting and trafficking investigation by the Secretary of State!

Clearly, we have a lot of work to do to protect states from election tampering through ballot harvesting and trafficking. 

Tackling Ballot Harvesting and Trafficking is a complicated issue with many moving parts, but it’s something ‘We the People’ can tackle and win!

On Sunday we featured an article by the NY Post that talks about the evidence of ballot harvesters and traffickers referred to as “mules” because they operate much like the mafia or cartel. 

This article featured facts about the mules as follows: 

“For each of the 2,000 mules the average number of drop box visits was 38, with an average five ballots deposited per visit. That’s 380,000 suspect votes.”

“In Michigan, 500 mules averaged 50 drop box visits, at five ballots per drop, giving you 125,000 suspect votes, not enough to overwhelm Biden’s 154,000-vote advantage over Trump.” 

“In Wisconsin, 100 mules averaged 28 drop box visits each, which gives us 14,000 suspect votes, 6,000 votes short of giving Trump the win.”

“But in Georgia, where 250 mules averaged 24 drop box visits each, we get 30,000 suspect votes, more than enough to overcome Biden’s 12,000 vote advantage. D’Souza moves Georgia’s 16 electoral votes into the Trump column.”

“In Arizona, 200 mules averaging 20 drop box visits makes 20,000 suspect votes, giving another 11 hypothetical electoral votes to Trump.”

“In Philadelphia alone, 1,100 mules averaged 50 drop box visits giving us 275,000 suspect votes which would flip the Pennsylvania result to Trump, giving him another 20 electoral votes.”

“Shockingly, even this narrow way of looking at just our 2,000 mules in these swing states gives Trump the win with 279 electoral votes to Biden’s 259,” says D’Souza.

We are on a 90 Day Countdown!

We need you in this fight NOW more than ever. We can’t do this without you in the game, fighting with your time, talent, and treasure.
The Clock is Ticking!

We need to pass election security legislation in all 49 states in 90 days or less!!!

We need dedicated workers and resources to get this job done in record time! Will you help us today to fund this fight?


ACT for America Education, a 501(c)(3) organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.

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Virginia Beach, VA 23452

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