Tuesday, November 1, 2022


A publication of the Cuban Studies Institute

November 1, 2022

Dear friend:

The Cuban Studies Institute has received a donation from Ralp Galliano of several copies of the important book, “The Fourh Floor” written by Earl E.T. Smith, former U.S Ambassador to Cuba.  The books is now out of print and discusses the Castro Communist Revolution and its impact on Cuba and on U.S. policy toward Cuba.

First published in 1962, The Fourth Floor describes in painful detail just how and why the communists were able to gain control of the strategically located island only ninety miles from the United States mainland.  Smith’s explanation of events remains timely today as it clearly demonstrates the disastrous effects of an ill-advised and ineffective foreign policy development structure.  As Smith’s title suggests, a great deal of responsibility for the Cuban fiasco must be borne by the bureaucrats who occupied the “fourth floor” of the State Department building in Washington, D.C.  As President Eisenhower’s “man in Havana” from July 1957 to January 1959, Ambassador Smith witnessed firsthand the events that resulted in the fall of Fulgencio Batista and the advent of Castro.

CSI is making this book available to our friends and followers for $35 per copy (free shipping).  The Fourth Floor is being sold at Amazon for more than twice this amount.

This is a valuable story of Castro rise to power and of the failures of American foreign policy in the 1950s.  Please order before this limited number of books are sold out.  Thank you.


Jaime Suchlicki


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By Phone: 786-803-8007
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By Mail:  Cuban Studies Institute, 1500 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 200, Bank of America Building, Coral Gables, FL 33146
THANK YOU!                                           

This is a publication of the Cuban Studies Institute. 

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