Wednesday, November 2, 2022



CSI is pleased to announce a new interactive Webpage, “Cubans in America” available on the Internet at www.cubansinamerica.us
Cubans have had a significant social, economic, political, and cultural impact on the State of Florida and in other parts of the U.S.  For the past 60 years, more than 2 million Cubans settled in the U.S.  Education, politics, business, society has been affected by the Cuban migration.
The “Cubans in America” Webpage includes:

  1. History of Cuba Video.  A 26-minute summary of the history of Cuba narrated by Andy Garcia in English with Spanish Subtitles and a two-lesson course video by Carlos Alberto Montaner in Spanish.
  2. The Journey to Exile.  Short descriptions and videos of the various migrations toward U.S. including the Freedom Flights, Mariel, Balseros, Pedro Pan.
  3. Critical Moments. Short videos of the Bay of Pigs; the Missile Crisis; the downing of two Brothers to the Rescue planes on the Florida Straits, the Elian affair, and 2021 Uprising.
  4. Prominent Cuban-Americans/Organizations.  Short biographies with photos of several hundred Cuban-Americans in the arts, sports, business, academic, journalism, medicine/science, law/politics; religion as well as key organizations active in the U.S.
  5. Cuban-American Food (recipes)
  6. Cuban Music. Short descriptions of Cuban music genres plus video/interviews by Eloy Cepero with Cuba’s most prominent singers/composers, including Enrique Chia, La Coral Cubana, José Ruiz Elcoro, Añorada Cuba, Susy Leman, Hansel y Raul.
  7. Facts & Figures


Cubans in America serves as an information and research hub for community leaders, grade schools, universities, researchers, institutions, and the community in general interested in the significance of Cuban-Americans in the U.S. It covers historical and developing events resulting from the arrival of Cubans and their continued impact.

This database is a worldwide resource and point of information, sponsored by the State of Florida and the National Endowment for the Humanities, as an active, ever-expanding webpage of relevant material on the growth and development of generations of Cubans and Cuban-Americans in the U.S.

This is a publication of the Cuban Studies Institute. 

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Coral Gables, FL  33146
Tel: 786-803-8007
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Email: cubanstudies@cubanstudiesinstitute.com

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