February 23, 2023 Dear friend:
The Cuban Studies Institute is pleased to offer a short video about the history of Cuba from the Spanish colonization to the current situation. It is an excellent introduction to the history, culture, and economy of the island and also highlights Cuba’s beautiful geography.
The 26 minutes video, “Short History of Cuba,” is narrated in English by the renowned actor and producer Andy Garcia and includes subtitles in Spanish. Carlos Alberto Montaner praised the work emphasizing that “explaining Cuban history in 26 minutes is a marvel; doing it well is a miracle. The last few minutes, devoted to the Communist era, are excellent.” Marcos Antonio Ramos described the video as “a formidable introduction to Cuba.”
The Cuban Studies Institute is making this video available to our friends and followers for $20 per copy (free shipping).
This is a valuable history of Cuba that you, your family, and children will enjoy.
Saludos  Jaime Suchlicki Director
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By Phone: 786-803-8007 By Fax: 786-803-8068 By Mail: Cuban Studies Institute, 1500 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 200, Bank of America Building, Coral Gables, FL 33146 THANK YOU! |
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