Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Trump Shows Up To Black Journalist Event And CHAOS Ensues!

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FBI Caught in MORE LIES About Trump's Assassination Attempt

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Trump SURGES to RECORD HIGH Polls as Kamala FRAUD Exposed!!!

Sam Shamoun ENDS Sheikh Uthman's Career | SLAVERY In The Bible?

🚨BREAKING: NEW ILLEGAL 'Ex Parte' Meeting UNVEILED in Young Thug Trial! ...

Kamala Harris's Atlanta Presidential Rally Was A Free RAP CONCERT!

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Britain ERUPTS into CHAOS!!!

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NTD News Today Full Broadcast (July 31)

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/30/24

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

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Josh Hawley to Secret Service Director: Relieve everybody of duty

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/29/24

Monday, July 29, 2024

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WOKE Amanda Seales EXPOSES Kamala Harris As “DISINGENUOUS”

Black Men Give MSNBC An INTERESTING Take On Kamala Harris!

BOMBSHELL Text Messages And LEAKED Video Expose Secret Service ALLOWING ...

Bill Maher Just NUKED Kamala Harris!!!

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The People Have Spoken!

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What the Paris Olympics Won’t Tell You About THIS… Christian Reaction!

Help Wanted for Hazardous Journey to Freedom

the AZEL


Commentary on Cuba's Future, U.S. Foreign Policy & Individual Freedoms - Issue 367 B
José Azel's latest books "On Freedom" and "Sobre La Libertad" are now available on Amazon. 

Help Wanted for Hazardous Journey to Freedom (Previously published)


In the early 1900’s, when he was about to embark in one of his expeditions, famed explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, published the following advertisement in a London newspaper: 

“Men wanted for hazardous journey to the South Pole. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success.” 

Historians question its authenticity, but this advertisement is considered one of the most effective in history. Shackleton is said to have commented that the response was so overwhelming that it seemed as though all the men of Great Britain were determined to accompany him. 

I was traveling to Antarctica when Sir Shackleton’s ad came to mind as I reflected on how, writing in defense of individual freedoms has become an unrewarded, arduous, and dangerous journey. Defenders of individual freedoms, like Sisyphus in Greek Mythology, find themselves repeating the same task of pushing a boulder up a mountain, only to see it roll down again. 

The aggressive socialist-collectivist mindset that permeates our contemporary society takes no prisoners. To illustrate, I will borrow and adapt from Professor Laurence Cahoone a simple typology of eight economic systems. Below, I have organized the economic systems according to our preferences for the ownership of the factors of production, and the corresponding level of government controls. That is, the sequence runs from more-to-less individual freedom. 

  1. A minimalist state limited primarily to protecting our life, liberty and property, in the tradition of classical liberalism. 

  2. A laissez faire, capitalist regime, which allows for some government functions such as public education, as well as some prohibitions on economic exchanges like prostitution. 

  3. Economic nationalism with state support and protection of domestic industries as practiced by some Latin American governments. 

  1. Progressivism, which promotes the government’s provision of a wide-ranging social safety net, and extensive regulation of businesses, but comes short of undertaking government ownership of large businesses. 

  2. A social democracy, with a cradle to grave welfare state, and private property and free markets, but subject to heavy government regulations. 

  3. State capitalism, where some major industries are owned by the state and others are privately owned, but subject to extensive government coordination and control. 

  4. Socialism where all major industries are owned or directed by the state, but with an underlying market for consumer goods. 

  5. Marxist-Leninist communism where all property is owned by the state. 

There are, of course, many variations of this list, but this version is adequate to help the reader identify his or her economic ideology. It is important to emphasize that this arrangement leaves out the political dimension. For example, state capitalism may, or may not, have fascist undertones. 

My regular readers will recognize my writings mostly in the first category of a libertarian minimalist state, or somewhere between positions one and two. What detractors fail to recognize is that, economic arrangements offering maximum personal liberty and minimum government controls protect our liberties from being diluted by what some call the Paradox of Freedom. 

The Paradox of Freedom is the proposition that the freedom of an unchecked government necessarily leads to a loss of freedom for the people. This is because an unrestrained government is free to impose overwhelming controls to enslave a compliant population. And yet, as shown by this classification, in most contemporary economic systems, government controls are believed to be good and necessary. 

This brings me back to Shackleton’s success in recruiting fellow travelers for a hazardous but honorable journey, and to Sisyphus, as he struggles with the hopeless task of pushing the boulder up the mountain. It seems that my similarly hazardous and hopeless journey is to push the boulder of individual freedoms up a mountain of misguided popular preference for more government controls. 

Yet, existentialist philosopher Albert Camus, in the last chapter of his essay “The Myth of Sisyphus,” tells us that Sisyphus comes to understand that the struggle itself is enough to fill a man’s heart. And that, free to realize the absurdity of his situation, “one must imagine Sisyphus happy.” 

Please let us know if you Like Issue 367 B - Help Wanted for Hazardous Journey to Freedom on Facebook this article.
We welcome your feedback.

Lily & José

(click on the name to email Lily or Jose)
José Azel, Ph.D.

José Azel left Cuba in 1961 as a 13 year-old political exile in what has been dubbed Operation Pedro Pan - the largest unaccompanied child refugee movement in the history of the Western Hemisphere.  

He is currently dedicated to the in-depth analyses of Cuba's economic, social and political state, with a keen interest in post-Castro-Cuba strategies. Dr. Azel was a Senior Scholar at the Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies (ICCAS) at the University of Miami, Jose Azel has published extensively on Cuba related topics.

In 2012 and 2015, Dr. Azel testified in the U.S. Congress on U.S.-Cuba Policy, and U.S. National Security.  He is a frequent speaker and commentator on these and related topics on local, national and international media.  He holds undergraduate and masters degrees in business administration and a Ph.D. in International Affairs from the University of Miami.

José along with his wife Lily are avid skiers and adventure travelers.  In recent years they have climbed Grand Teton in Wyoming, trekked Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Machu Pichu in Peru.  They have also hiked in Tibet and in the Himalayas to Mt. Everest Base Camp.

They cycled St. James Way (
El Camino de Santiago de Compostela) and cycled alongside the Danube from Germany to Hungary and throughout southern France.  They have scuba dived in the Bay Islands off the Honduran coast and in the Galapagos Islands. Most recently, they rafted for 17 days 220 miles in the Grand Canyon. 

Their adventurers are normally dedicated to raise funds for causes that are dear to them. 

Watch Joe & Lily summit Kilimanjaro.

Books by Dr. José Azel
José Azel’s writings are touched with the wisdom of a master, and the charm of an excellent communicator. Anyone who wishes to understand why countries do, or do not, progress will find in this book the best explanations. And, from these readings emerge numerous inferences: How and why do the good intentions of leftist collectivism lead countries to hell? Why is liberty not a sub product of prosperity, but rather one of its causes?

If it was in my power, this work would be required reading for all college and university students, and I would also recommend its reading to all politicians, journalists, and policymakers. With his writings Azel accomplishes what was achieved in France by Frédéric Bastiat, and in the United States by Henry Hazlitt: Azel brings together common sense with intelligent observation, and academic substance. Stupendous,

Carlos Alberto Montaner

                                                                   BUY NOW
Los escritos de José Azel están tocados por la sabiduría de un maestro y la amenidad de un excelente comunicador. Cualquiera que desee entender por qué los países progresan, o no, encontrará en este libro las mejores explicaciones. De estas lecturas surgen numerosas inferencias: ¿Cómo y por qué las buenas intenciones del colectivismo de izquierda llevan a los países al infierno? ¿Por qué la libertad no es un subproducto de la prosperidad, sino una de sus causas?

Si estuviera en mis manos, esta obra sería de obligada lectura de todos los estudiantes universitarios, pero además, le recomendaría su lectura a todos los políticos, periodistas y policy makers. Con sus escritos Azel logra lo que Frédéric Bastiat consiguiera en Francia y Henry Hazlitt en Estados Unidos: aunar el sentido común, la observación inteligente y la enjundia académica. Estupendo.

Carlos Alberto Montaner
Compre Aqui
"Liberty for beginners is much more than what the title promises. It is eighty themes touched with the wisdom of a master, and the charm of an excellent communicator. Anyone that wishes to understand why countries do, or do not progress, will find in this book the best explanations. Stupendous"

Carlos Alberto Montaner

"Libertad para novatos es mucho más de lo que promete el título. Son ochenta temas tocados con la sabiduría de un maestro y la amenidad de un excelente comunicador. Cualquier adulto que desee saber por qué progresan o se estancan los pueblos aquí encontrará las mejores explicaciones. Estupendo."

Carlos Alberto Montaner

Compre Aqui

In Reflections on FreedomJosé Azel brings together a collection of his columns published in prestigious newspapers.  Each article reveals his heartfelt and personal awareness of the importance of freedom in our lives.  They are his reflections after nearly sixty years of living and learning as a Cuban outside Cuba. In what has become his stylistic trademark, Professor Azel brilliantly introduces complex topics in brief journalistic articles.
En Reflexiones sobre la libertad José Azel reúne una colección de sus columnas publicadas en prestigiosos periódicos. Cada artículo revela su percepción sincera y personal de la importancia de la libertad en nuestras vidas. Son sus reflexiones después de casi sesenta años viviendo y aprendiendo como cubano fuera de Cuba.  En lo que ha resultado ser característica distintiva de sus artículos, el Profesor Azel introduce con brillantez complejos temas en  breves artículos de carácter periodístico.
Mañana in Cuba is a comprehensive analysis of contemporary Cuba with an incisive perspective of the Cuban frame of mind and its relevancy for Cuba's future.
Pedazos y Vacíos is a collection of poems written in by Dr. Azel in his youth. Poems are in Spanish.
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Sunday, July 28, 2024

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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Free Cuba Now!

To promote a nonviolent transition to a Cuba that respects human rights, political and economic freedoms, and the rule of law.


Raul Castro celebrates Cubans killing Cubans on July 26, 1953.  Castroism's terrorist legacy, past and present.

On July 26, 2024, Raúl Castro presided over the celebration of the 71st anniversary of the attack on the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba, a violent act that culminated in the formation of the 26th of July Movement and the eventual establishment of the dictatorship headed by the Castro brothers for 65 years.

Act of violence that sparked a wave of terrorism across Cuba

The July 26th Movement in addition to the guerilla warfare in the Sierra Maestra and countryside, would also unleash a wave of urban terrorism across Cuba. They have chronicled many of the attacks in the official publication, and below are two excerpts taken from “Lucharemos hasta el final cronología 1957″. 
On July 25, 1957 “during a 20-minute blackout, the result of sabotage carried out against the electrical system in Cienfuegos, two small explosives were detonated: one at the Pardo Theater; and the other at the Tomás Terry. They took advantage of the darkness to place July 26 flags in different parts of the city.”
One day later, “the 26th of July Movement in Pinar del Río celebrated the fourth anniversary of the attacks on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks with an increase in sabotage throughout the province. Several tobacco curing houses burn in the towns of San Luis and Ovas; the telephone and telegraph communications of the Western Railways are sabotaged; the Central Highway is covered with spikes, making vehicle traffic impossible; and a bomb explodes in the sports stadium of Viñales.”

Raúl Castro plotted numerous aircraft hijackings. On November 1, 1958, one such skyjacking killed 17 civilians when the plane crashed.

Castroism’s big lie

Left out of the official narrative are those inconvenient and embarrassing facts that expose the big lie of Castroism, Batista’s dictatorship was not U.S. backed.

The United States slapped an arms embargo on the Batista dictatorship in March 1958, thanks to Castro’s July 26th Movement’s lobbying, and in December 1958, the U.S. ambassador in Havana pressed Batista to leave. On January 1, 1959, when the Castro brothers rose to power, their regime was quickly recognized by the United States. .

Once in power the terrorism they had carried out across Cuba, was internationalized, and even today is felt in Washington DC.

American flags torn down and burned in Washington, replaced by Palestinian and Cuban flags.

On July 24, 2024, protesters carrying Hezbollah, and Hamas flags sprayed graffiti, burned American flags, and beat up police officers in Washington DC.  One protester carried a poster with a mushroom cloud over an Israeli flag that said “Allah is gathering all the Zionists for a final solution.”

Protesters pulled down American flags from three poles outside Union Station while demonstrating, replaced them with Palestinian flags then burned the U.S. flags. However the publication Spiked captured an image of a Cuban flag flying among the Palestinian flags at the protests in Washington DC in their article, A fascist rally in Washington, DC.”

Islamist terrorist groups celebrates anniversary of the founding of the July 26 Movement. 

Ysterday, the Samidoun,  a terrorist organization and “a subsidiary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP),” published a revealing statement celebrating the “71st anniversary of the July 26th Movement.”  Their statement repeats a number of the Cuba dictatorship’s talking points, but reveal some things Havana would prefer were dealt with more discretion.

On the 71st anniversary of the launch of the great Cuban revolution, the storming of the Moncada Barracks on 26 July 1953, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the Cuban people, their continuing revolution, and the ongoing alliance between the people of Cuba and of Palestine to confront Zionism, imperialism and reaction.

Samidoun’s argument for Cuba not belonging on the state terror sponsor list does not help Havana. It exposes the role the Cuban dictatorship in inspiring Palestinian terrorism in the 1960s.

“Havana, Cuba, launched the Tricontinental Conference in 1966, which led to the development of OSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America), whose posters for the Palestinian revolution — and other anti-imperialist struggles — have remained indelible symbols of the common cause of justice. Through this revolutionary struggle, the deep alliance between the Cuban and Palestinian revolutions was born. Cuba has consistently supported the Palestinian liberation struggle on multiple levels, and the Palestinian and Cuban flags have risen as twin banners of liberation everywhere in the world, reflecting the common confrontation of imperialism, Zionism and their reactionary agents everywhere. In Palestine, the Cuban revolution has always had particular resonance. Che Guevara visited Gaza in 1959, shortly after the victory of the revolution, as part of the Non-Aligned Movement and the alliance of anti-colonial forces. According to Palestinian scholar Salman Abu Sitta, Guevara urged the Palestinians to develop their training camps, weapons production and people’s mobilization centres.”

They go further in equating the Cuban government with Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement; the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Hezbollah, and other terrorist groups they euphemistically call “resistance forces,” and claim they are not terrorists while also acknowledging that they view “all means” as legitimate.

“Cuba is also currently labeled as a “state sponsor of terrorism” by the United States, being designated in a clear attempt to impose political, economic and military pressure on Cuba to give up their sovereign and socialist path of development. This is reminiscent of the case of Palestine, where Palestinian resistance organizations, including Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement; the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement; the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Hezbollah, and many other resistance forces, are labeled as “terrorist organizations” by the US, Britain, European Union and Canada in an attempt to undermine the Palestinian people’s justified and legitimate struggle by all means, including and especially armed struggle, to achieve their liberation.”

The above argument is an excellent case for keeping Cuba on the state terror sponsor list, and confirms many of the claims made in the 2024 documentary, Terrorism: the Cuban Connection. It also confirms that the dictatorship in Cuba has a serious problem with Jews. July 26th should not be a day of celebration, but of somber reflection on the darkness that began to envelop Cuba in 1953, and has endured to the present day on that island.


Image posted by Samidoun, a Palestinian terrorist group on July 26, 2024.