Saturday, July 27, 2024

Free Cuba Now!

To promote a nonviolent transition to a Cuba that respects human rights, political and economic freedoms, and the rule of law.


Raul Castro celebrates Cubans killing Cubans on July 26, 1953.  Castroism's terrorist legacy, past and present.

On July 26, 2024, Raúl Castro presided over the celebration of the 71st anniversary of the attack on the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba, a violent act that culminated in the formation of the 26th of July Movement and the eventual establishment of the dictatorship headed by the Castro brothers for 65 years.

Act of violence that sparked a wave of terrorism across Cuba

The July 26th Movement in addition to the guerilla warfare in the Sierra Maestra and countryside, would also unleash a wave of urban terrorism across Cuba. They have chronicled many of the attacks in the official publication, and below are two excerpts taken from “Lucharemos hasta el final cronología 1957″. 
On July 25, 1957 “during a 20-minute blackout, the result of sabotage carried out against the electrical system in Cienfuegos, two small explosives were detonated: one at the Pardo Theater; and the other at the Tomás Terry. They took advantage of the darkness to place July 26 flags in different parts of the city.”
One day later, “the 26th of July Movement in Pinar del Río celebrated the fourth anniversary of the attacks on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks with an increase in sabotage throughout the province. Several tobacco curing houses burn in the towns of San Luis and Ovas; the telephone and telegraph communications of the Western Railways are sabotaged; the Central Highway is covered with spikes, making vehicle traffic impossible; and a bomb explodes in the sports stadium of Viñales.”

Raúl Castro plotted numerous aircraft hijackings. On November 1, 1958, one such skyjacking killed 17 civilians when the plane crashed.

Castroism’s big lie

Left out of the official narrative are those inconvenient and embarrassing facts that expose the big lie of Castroism, Batista’s dictatorship was not U.S. backed.

The United States slapped an arms embargo on the Batista dictatorship in March 1958, thanks to Castro’s July 26th Movement’s lobbying, and in December 1958, the U.S. ambassador in Havana pressed Batista to leave. On January 1, 1959, when the Castro brothers rose to power, their regime was quickly recognized by the United States. .

Once in power the terrorism they had carried out across Cuba, was internationalized, and even today is felt in Washington DC.

American flags torn down and burned in Washington, replaced by Palestinian and Cuban flags.

On July 24, 2024, protesters carrying Hezbollah, and Hamas flags sprayed graffiti, burned American flags, and beat up police officers in Washington DC.  One protester carried a poster with a mushroom cloud over an Israeli flag that said “Allah is gathering all the Zionists for a final solution.”

Protesters pulled down American flags from three poles outside Union Station while demonstrating, replaced them with Palestinian flags then burned the U.S. flags. However the publication Spiked captured an image of a Cuban flag flying among the Palestinian flags at the protests in Washington DC in their article, A fascist rally in Washington, DC.”

Islamist terrorist groups celebrates anniversary of the founding of the July 26 Movement. 

Ysterday, the Samidoun,  a terrorist organization and “a subsidiary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP),” published a revealing statement celebrating the “71st anniversary of the July 26th Movement.”  Their statement repeats a number of the Cuba dictatorship’s talking points, but reveal some things Havana would prefer were dealt with more discretion.

On the 71st anniversary of the launch of the great Cuban revolution, the storming of the Moncada Barracks on 26 July 1953, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the Cuban people, their continuing revolution, and the ongoing alliance between the people of Cuba and of Palestine to confront Zionism, imperialism and reaction.

Samidoun’s argument for Cuba not belonging on the state terror sponsor list does not help Havana. It exposes the role the Cuban dictatorship in inspiring Palestinian terrorism in the 1960s.

“Havana, Cuba, launched the Tricontinental Conference in 1966, which led to the development of OSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America), whose posters for the Palestinian revolution — and other anti-imperialist struggles — have remained indelible symbols of the common cause of justice. Through this revolutionary struggle, the deep alliance between the Cuban and Palestinian revolutions was born. Cuba has consistently supported the Palestinian liberation struggle on multiple levels, and the Palestinian and Cuban flags have risen as twin banners of liberation everywhere in the world, reflecting the common confrontation of imperialism, Zionism and their reactionary agents everywhere. In Palestine, the Cuban revolution has always had particular resonance. Che Guevara visited Gaza in 1959, shortly after the victory of the revolution, as part of the Non-Aligned Movement and the alliance of anti-colonial forces. According to Palestinian scholar Salman Abu Sitta, Guevara urged the Palestinians to develop their training camps, weapons production and people’s mobilization centres.”

They go further in equating the Cuban government with Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement; the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Hezbollah, and other terrorist groups they euphemistically call “resistance forces,” and claim they are not terrorists while also acknowledging that they view “all means” as legitimate.

“Cuba is also currently labeled as a “state sponsor of terrorism” by the United States, being designated in a clear attempt to impose political, economic and military pressure on Cuba to give up their sovereign and socialist path of development. This is reminiscent of the case of Palestine, where Palestinian resistance organizations, including Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement; the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement; the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Hezbollah, and many other resistance forces, are labeled as “terrorist organizations” by the US, Britain, European Union and Canada in an attempt to undermine the Palestinian people’s justified and legitimate struggle by all means, including and especially armed struggle, to achieve their liberation.”

The above argument is an excellent case for keeping Cuba on the state terror sponsor list, and confirms many of the claims made in the 2024 documentary, Terrorism: the Cuban Connection. It also confirms that the dictatorship in Cuba has a serious problem with Jews. July 26th should not be a day of celebration, but of somber reflection on the darkness that began to envelop Cuba in 1953, and has endured to the present day on that island.


Image posted by Samidoun, a Palestinian terrorist group on July 26, 2024.


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