Thursday, October 17, 2024

Free Cuba Now!

To promote a peaceful transition to a Cuba that respects human rights
and political and economic freedoms


Cuba ranked as the worst country in the Americas for internet freedom. PEN International calls on Cuba to end harassment of journalists, writers, and artists. CPJ denounces Havana’s efforts to squash independent reporting

Cuba’s communist dictatorship is stepping up its draconian restrictions against Cubans who express themselves freely on the internet, as well as independent journalists in general. This is in the midst of one of the worse ongoing crackdowns in Cuba’s history with 1,113 political prisoners identified.

On October 16, 2024 Freedom House released its 2024 Freedom on the Net report. The report mentions that ” Cuban authorities sentenced a woman to 15 years in prison for sedition and “enemy propaganda” after she shared images of protests on social media, including a video recording of police attacking demonstrators.” 

The woman, Mayelín Rodríguez Prado, was 22 years old at the time of her arrest, and mother to a daughter less than a year old. Mayelin was arrested at her home, and held in solitary confinement at a State Security facility, reported Carla Gloria Colomé for EL PAÍS on May 2, 2024.

The Freedom on the Net 2024 regional snapshot found that Cuba was the lowest scoring country in the Americas with 20 out of a possible 100 score, followed by Venezuela 30/100 and Nicaragua 41/100.

On the same day, PEN International, PEN Cuba Writers in Exile, and the Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) jointly condemned a fresh round of attacks on independent voices. In recent weeks, journalists, artists, and authors have protested arbitrary arrests, intimidation, and threats by authorities, pointing to a trend of suppression as new laws restrict free expression. They called for an end to the harassment of journalists, writers, and artists, and highlighted left wing critics targeted and harassed by agents of the Cuban dictatorship.

Writer and academic Alina Bárbara López Hernández was kicked out of the official government union, the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), for a post on social media. Four others were subjected to harassment  and are highlighted in the PEN International report.

The Committee to Protect Journalists on October 3, 2024 reported on “the case of journalist Yeris Curbelo Aguilera, who was sentenced to two years in prison on September 24,” and called on Cuban officials to re-examine the case, and consider dropping all charges against the independent journalist and civil rights activist, and to stop harassing Rafa Escalona.
It is important to provide some context.
Prisoners Defenders reports that there are currently 1,113 identified political prisoners in Cuba.  The International Committee of the Red Cross was last able to visit a Cuban prison, and meet with political prisoners in 1989. Below are 16 of the many other cases that require attention.
1. Félix Navarro Rodríguez
2. Sayli Navarro Alvarez

Felix Navarro is a member of the Frankfurt based International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) board of directors. He has been arbitrarily jailed since July 12, 2021.  Sayli Navarro became a Lady in White, together with her mom. campaigning for her dad’s release following his arrest in the Spring of 2003.

Sayli was also detained on July 12, 2021, but was released hours later, and had been staying with her mother, who is in poor health. She has also spoken out against her father’s arbitrary imprisonment. Sayli was taken, with her hands and feet chained, to prison on April 18, 2022.

On March 18, 2023, a recording was released of Sayli stating that state security is pressuring her to go into exile in order to get out of prison, and that she rejected their offer. They are also members of the Cuba Decide campaign.

3. Yandier García Labrada

Yandier García Labrada serving an unjust five year prison sentence.

“On October 6, 2020, my brother was detained for claiming his rights in a queue (line to obtain food and basic necessities). A repressor pushed him and assaulted him, and then more State Security agents arrived and called the police. He was shouting ‘Down with the dictatorship’,” Iran Almaguer Labrada says.

Yandier García Labrada is serving a five-year sentence for the crimes of contempt for authority and propagation of epidemics. Since the beginning of his imprisonment, he has been transferred to various prisons and has suffered isolation, transfers to punishment cells, denial of medical attention, and restrictions on communication with his family members.

Since January 19, 2023, he has been held in the Guabineyón 8 correctional work center in the province of Las Tunas. The prison authorities have denied him the benefits of home visits and parole, even though he meets the regulatory requirements.

4. Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara 
“Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara is a member of the artistic collective Movimiento San Isidro, which has opposed a law that censors artists. He was arrested on 11 July 2021 in Havana after announcing in a video that he would join the protests that same day, along with thousands of others who demonstrated peacefully and spontaneously in dozens of cities to demand a change in living conditions in Cuba.”


5. Maykel “Osorbo” Castillo Pérez 

Maykel Castillo Pérez, known as “Osorbo”, is a musician and human rights activist. He is co-writer of the song “Patria y vida”, which criticizes the Cuban government and has been adopted as a protest anthem. He was detained at his home on 18 May 2021 by security officials and has been in prison ever since.
6. Fredy Beirut Matos
7. Katya Beirut Rodriguez
8.  Exen Beirut Rodriguez


Zoila Rodríguez Marzo and her children Katia, Exen together with their father Fredi Beirut. Foto © Facebook/Zoila Rodríguez

Court in Havana confirmed the 20-year prison sentence for Katia Beirut (age 36) and her father Fredy Beirut for their participation in public protests in La Güinera on July 12, 2021. Katia and her father took to the streets to protest the arrest of Exen Beirut, Katia’s brother and Fredy’s son, which occurred in the city of Guantanamo on July 11, 2021. Exen’s prosecutor’s request is for 7 years of prison and It will be confirmed on December 29 by the Guantánamo prosecutor’s office.

“My children just went out to the streets and demonstrated peacefully. There is no proof that my kids have thrown a rock or done anything wrong. I think there is no reason for a people to go out onto the streets and say ‘Homeland and Life’ or we want a change […] there are no reasons for these people to be sentenced for that many years. That is unfair, what was seen in that trial is unfair. It was a theater. There they read a paper. Those people who were reading that paper were shaking, their hands were shaking, it was clear that they did not want to read it. Those people did not want to read that paper, you could see that they felt bad because they knew that they were committing an injustice to all those people who were there, ”Zoila Rodríguez Marzo, mother of the Beirut siblings, reported from Havana through an interview conducted by Palenque Vision and published by Cubanet. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE91ArgqeiA)

The trial of Katia and her father Fredy Beirut began on December 20th and the sentence was handed down on December 23rd by the Havana prosecutor’s office.

According to Zoila Rodríguez, her relatives were tried along with 17 other Cubans implicated in the massive July demonstrations. “My family, like all the others, collapsed. Those children who go to school, how, in what way can they force those children to say “Homeland or Death”, how are they going to say “Homeland or Death”, if these children do not know how to explain that their mother has to serve a 20-year sanction . […] That is why I ask the world, all the institutions, I ask the UN, human rights, I ask everyone, please cooperate with us, help us. […] Please, there are many mothers crying, there are many families suffering ”, added Zoila Rodríguez.

9. José Gómez León
10. Frandy González León 
11. Santiago Vázquez León 

Brothers Frandy González, Santiago Vázquez and José Antonio Gómez are political prisoners

Frandy González, Santiago Vázquez and José Antonio Gómez were arrested for participating in the protest on July 12, 2021 in the Havana neighborhood of La Güinera. In the cases of Frandy González and Santiago Vázquez, they were tried in January 2022 for the crime of “sedition” and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
12. Luis Frómeta Compte ( German national )
Luis Frómeta Compte who is 62 years old, with Cuban and German citizenship, is serving a 15 year prison sentence for spontaneously filming protests on his cell phone camera during the 11J protests in Cuba in July 2021.
The German based International Sociery for Human Rights summarized his case to mark the 1,000th day of his unjust detention. The German-Cuban citizen Luis Frómeta Compte was arrested on July 11, 2021, for recording the peaceful protests in Cuba on his cell phone. Luis was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2021, this sentence was subsequently reduced to 15 years. He has been in the “Combinado del Este“ prison in Cuba since July 17, 2021.

Victim of brutal attack in prison

On December 1, 2023 his family alerted the international community over social media that Luis was the victim of a brutal attack on November 30. 2023 by common prisoners. His daughter Janie Frometa posted the following message on Facebook in Spanish and Germantranslated here to English: “We just received news from Cuba that dad was brutally beaten by other prisoners, they even held him down so he couldn’t defend himself. Two of Dad’s jailed friends called and informed our family. Unfortunately, we don’t know anything else. Please share this message to highlight the brutality in the prisons.” 

Brizaida Abad Igarza, wife of Frómeta Compte, from the Combinado del Este, in Havana, released a video on Facebook with Luis’s sister, Ramona Frómeta Compte, in which they express concern for not knowing his health status after the attack.

Janie Frómeta, in German on Facebook denounced the physical assault against her dad, and called for German authorities to intervene in the case, to ensure that her father returns to Europe. Through tears, she asks for the freedom of all Cuban political prisoners.

On December 2, 2023 over X she gave an update on her father’s plight. Brizaida Abad Igarza, wife of Frómeta Compte and Luis’s sister, Ramona Frómeta Compte are still at the Combinado del Este prison waiting to see Luis Frómeta Compte in person, and ascertain what condition he is in. “My family continues at the Combinado del Este. They continue waiting to see our father in person. They will not return home until they see my father in person. Right now they need all your support. Therefore I ask you to share this video. Please share this video. Thank you.”

Eventually it was learned that Luis had suffered serious injuries, including a fractured nasal septum.

13. Loreto Hernández García 
14. Donaida Pérez Paseiro

“Donaida Pérez Paseiro:: “My husband, Loreto Hernández García, is dying in prison”

Loreto Hernández García and Donaida Pérez Paseiro are prisoners of conscience
Hundreds of Cubans remain imprisoned for participating in island-wide protests on 11 July 2021. The Cuban judiciary, which is not independent of the government, routinely rubber stamps politically motivated accusations without regard for fair trial guarantees. Among those unjustly convicted are Black activists, and leaders of the Yoruba religion, Loreto Hernández García and Donaida Pérez Paseiro, who are prisoners of conscience detained only because of their political beliefs, and who should be immediately and unconditionally released. Loreto is not receiving adequate care in prison, and there is concern that this neglect may be fatal.
15. José Daniel Ferrer García 
“José Daniel Ferrer García, leader of UNPACU (Patriotic Union of Cuba), was detained on July 11, 2021, in the context of widespread protests throughout the island. According to his family, he has been held in solitary confinement since August 14, 2021. Since March 17, 2023, he has remained incommunicado, and prior to this date, he was reported to have been in poor health. He is a prisoner of conscience and should be released immediately and unconditionally.”
16. Angel Jesús Veliz Marcano
Angel Jesús Veliz Marcano is a political prisoner arrested on July 18, 2022 and sentenced to six years in prison for peacefully participating in the July 2021 protests. He was 27 years old at the time of his arrest.
He has been transferred to different prison facilities, including the Cerámica Roja prison in Camagüey, to serve out his unjust prison sentence.
Ailex Marcano Fabelo, mother of the political prisoner, who recently arrived in exile sent a message to the prison authorities who are keeping her son isolated, without his aunt or father being able to see him. “(My son) is in this situation because of the injustice of having been subjected to 6 years of deprivation of liberty by that dictatorship that you represent. You are responsible for the life of Angel Jesus, my son, I hold you responsible. My son has dignity, they are his ideas, and he should be respected. What you have to do is free him,” Marcano Fabelo said in a voice message.

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