A leading equality campaigner, the chairman of the Social Integration Commission, Matthew Taylor, has spoken out today against Muslim faith schools in Britain, claiming they espouse social and racial segregation.
Taylor’s comments come after it was reported that a string of British-based Muslim faith schools were involved in 2014 in “Trojan horse” plots by religious extremists and failed to protect students from radical material and influences.
Back in July, for example, a report found that there was a “coordinated” campaign to introduce “an intolerant and aggressive Islamic ethos” into some of the schools.
Ofsted, which administers schools in Britain, claimed that a total of 21 Muslim faith schools were found to be failing students, and special measures were put in place to combat this.
As the Daily Mail reported, Mr. Taylor, a former adviser to Tony Blair when he was prime minister, singled out Muslim faith schools as the least diverse in their intake, and called on the government to take action.
Taylor told the Independent:
“It’s more by negligence than anything; I don’t think that the Government has deliberately promoted segregation but I think sometimes it pursues policies which are anti-integration and it isn’t sufficiently aware of that. Britain’s becoming more diverse and if we don’t think about this and we’re not willing to act on it, the danger is we will become more separate… there will be far too many places which feel like they’re just for the well-off and far too many places which feel like they’re just for the poor; there’ll be far too many schools which feel like they’re just for one minority group of for just one social class.”
As of June 2014, the number of government-approved free schools across the UK was 331, accounting for 175,000 pupils, many of whom are at risk of radicalization by less than scrupulous Imams and other Muslim leaders.
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1719796/social-intergration-commission-chairman-muslim-faith-schools-teach-segregation-and-racism/#IHBfCq27jlqhEv1I.99
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