Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Swedish politician: IS-terrorists are "victims"

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Muslims traveling from Sweden to the Middle East to commit mass murder and rape in the Islamic state, are "victims of violence", says the new Moderate leader Anna Kinberg Batra, to the newspaper Expressen.

It's in an interview during the international summit in Davos as Kinberg Batra is asked how she wants to meet the Swedes growing concern for acts of terrorism committed by returning IS-terrorists.

- The important thing is that there must be fewer who can become victims of violence. To be enlisted as a warrior to exercise deadly force is actually being victims of violence and to contribute to the spread in the world, says the M-top to Expressen.

The 44-year-old politician emphasizes that the most important thing now is that measures are designed to combat that terrorist travel, not "make it difficult for openness". She emphasizes that we do not want a society where one does not let "adults go on holiday."

Anna Kinberg Batra's words has faced fierce criticism on social media.

"No stifling conservatism now. Liberalism is rewarding terrorists with tax money and repeat the word transparency as often as possible", writes researcher Tino Sanandaji in a post on Twitter.

In several EU countries, like Britain and Denmark, they are discussing how to stop the terror-tourists, by withdrawing their nationality or prosecute them for treason. In Sweden however, politicians have opted for a softer line. The government's so-called extremism coordinator, former S-leader Mona Sahlin, for example, wants that returning terrorists should be given taxpayer-funded jobs as a way to break their "alienation". 

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