Exposing the UN’s “theater of absurd,” Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor decried the organization for its inaction against serious global threats.
(Photo: Israel Mission to the UN, New York)
In a sarcastic move demonstrating the folly of the United Nation, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor awarded mock Oscar awards to belligerent and dangerous countries and organizations, stating, “If the Oscars for Maintenance of International Peace and Security were given at the UN, I would not be surprised if Iran, Hezbollah, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority (PA) were awarded prizes.
Speaking at a UN Security Council UNSC) session devoted to maintaining international peace and security on Monday, Prosor elaborated:
“In the Best Actor Category – for acting like a peace-loving country while developing nuclear capabilities, denying the Holocaust and threatening the destruction of another member state…the Oscar goes to Iran.
“In the category for Best Supporting Actor – for its unrelenting support to the Assad regime in killing hundreds of thousands civilians…the Oscar goes to Hezbollah,” he continued.
“In the category for Best Visual Effects – for making women disappear from the public sphere, the Oscar goes to…surprise surprise…Saudi Arabia. No competition there.
“And finally, for rewriting history, the Oscar for Best Editing goes to…the Palestinian Authority. But the truth is – the Palestinian Authority already received enough prizes from this institution,” he concluded.
“Here in the theater of the absurd, it wouldn’t surprise me if ISIS (the Islamic State terror organization) were given a starring role on the Human Rights Council,” the ambassador added. “Let me be clear: This institution cannot claim to uphold international security while indulging those nations that are actively undermining peace and security.”
Civility vs. Barbarism
Prosor stressed that the greatest threat to global security is posed by radical Islamist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, ISIS and Boko Haram. “The battle being waged against these groups is a battle between civility and barbarism, between pluralistic and totalitarian societies, between tyranny and freedom,” he said.
ISIS on the move. (Photo: Dabiq)
He decried UNSC inaction against these mounting menaces. “Day by day extremism is spreading its ugly tentacles and in the process, destabilizing communities and nations. The threat is obvious and it is growing, and yet this Council has been reluctant to take decisive action. Worse, it has on occasion surrendered to those nations that harbor, fund and support terrorist groups.”
“If we intend to fight terror, we must not differentiate between terror and terror – there is no good terror or bad terror group, and we must treat them all alike,” he stated. The UNSC castigated Israel for the death of a Spanish peacekeeper during February’s battle with Hezbollah but failed to do the same for Hezbollah who launched the attack.
Going through the UN’s Charter and pointing out how the UN repeatedly failed to uphold its own goals and values, Prosor said: “Oscars aside, if we want to pursue peace and security in the real world, it is time to bring down the curtain on this theater of the absurd and return the original values of the UN Charter back to center stage.”
By: United with Israel Staff
Sign the Petition to Stop Funding the Palestinian Authority
The Palestinian Authority openly supports and encourages terror attacks against the citizens of Israel. Terrorist groups answer this call with a bloodthirsty enthusiasm. If there was any doubt before, it has been completely eliminated this past month, as we have witnessed the most horrific terror attacks against Israelis with full support from the PA.
It is an outrage that the United States continues to fund the PA. They are funding terror - plain and simple. Join us in demanding that the US stops funding Palestinian terror
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