Monday, March 30, 2015

America’s (West’s) Academic Cesspools: Full-On Support For ISIS & Appendaged Groups! Parents, Donors, BEWARE…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS is said, one can be so open-minded that ones brains are in danger of falling out. Really. Mind you, to begin with – under the best of circumstances – some folks do not possess that many marbles to spare. Sheesh.
IN fact, once upon a time, a liberal arts education was designed to enable students to develop core critical thinking skills, in order to aid with their newly emerging adulthood and responsibilities. Tragically, higher education took a decided leftward turn (in the 1960’s) into some very dark, dangerous and hellish places and it never recovered its educational footing, nor its moral foundation.
THE reasons for this are manifest, but suffice to say that the upending of America, its transforming, started in the 1960’s and many of yesteryear’s radicals (domestic terrorists) are ensconced in the highest recesses of academia. Not only that, they are part and parcel of Obama Inc. and this is no exaggeration. Said claim is fully verified at the following book review:
BRINGING DOWN AMERICA is a gripping tale of plots and subplots, each one aimed at “the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie [and] the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat”, as Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Jeff Jones exhorted in their 1974 manifesto, “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism.”…..continue reading here
BUT why does any of this matter? Well, if not for some of the proofs cited within, the fact is that ISIS (and its ISLAMIC terror offshoots) would hardly receive a welcome mat on America’s campuses. No kidding around. But we will get to that in a bit, just hang on.
SO, as more than an academic exercise into the darkest recesses of American/western academia, the requisite warning bells should include:
MOST glaringly, the paradoxes and pitfalls of liberal democracies are such that (im)moral relativism has the west in its deadly vise-grip. 
THUS, there is absolutely no demarcation between good vs evil, right vs wrong, up vs down…and on and on. A topsy-turvy (mental) universe cannot fight against that which threatens western civilization. Simple as that. 
UNDER the circumstances, is it hyperbole to suggest that U.S. academia is, at the very least, partly responsible for placing a nail in the west’s coffin?
INDEED, the scourge of ISLAMIC barbarism receives its oxygen and fuel by the radicals within American and western (Israel’s too) academia. No doubt.
AS promised, some matters require visual aids as adjunct therapy, and even then they are hard to swallow. Unfathomable. But never mind, it is what it is. Guaranteed, Cornell’s cesspool is hardly a one-off anomaly within America’s campuses. If only.
DEAR readers, before you click on, please make sure to remove any heavy objects nearby, you may just get the urge to swing at the computer screen afterwards, not that that would make a dent, other than in your computer screen! As another suggestion, you may want to have a barf bag nearby. Just sayin’…
Joseph Scaffido, Assistant Dean at Cornell University, is captured on hidden camera advising a Project Veritas investigative journalist on how to start and fund a pro-ISIS club on campus, how to obtain funding to send care packages to ISIS and Hamas, and astonishingly, how to bring a member of ISIS to Cornell to run a “training camp.”
DEMONSTRABLY, how surprising is it that a lesser known liberal arts college is equally infected? Enter, Marymount Manhattan College ala its Dean’s heavy hand against ISLAMIC truth-telling! Basically, an academic welcome mat is offered at America’s campuses to the biggest barbarians in the world, but those who reveal said dangers are treated as pariahs. Can you believe it? 
AND herein lies the absolute danger which emanates from western academia, with America’s cesspools in the forefront. After all, as the heretofore model for the free world, America sets the so-called gold standard for the rest of the west. More’s the pity.
BESIDES, this is an arena which has been fully investigated and vetted on this end, and in more ways than one. In tandem, recognizing that huge sums of monies would be in play, this investigative journalist certainly conducted requisite due diligence, when considering which universities should receive the thumbs up or thumbs down within the family unit.
AS such, as any college applicant (and their parents) can attest, one doesn’t place ones eggs in just one basket, regardless of talent. 
SO when it came time to advise two nearest and dearest – as to the best fits among all the college admittance’s – it boiled down to certain specifics. One of the main (parental) questions became: since all the programs were basically equal in the academic (engineering/hard sciences) realm, which ones rated best in the intangible arenas? In essence, which campuses valued a true “marketplace of ideas”, without a price to be paid unless lock-step uniformity was adhered to? In other words, which were not “so open-minded that ones brains were in danger of falling out”, even for those who actually have more than enough to spare?
AND, for the record, despite Cornell’s School of Engineering (yes, THAT Cornell, as well as Columbia U’s Fu Foundation College of Engineering, albeit 4 years later) generous offer of substantial financial incentives – via their so-called “bidding wars” to attract top flight talent – this parent told the respective Deans, “thanks, but no thanks”. Instead, both times, it was preferable to pay full freight at two other schools vying for the same positive response; respectively, MIT and Caltech won out. Why? It was readily apparent (after much due diligence) that Cornell and Columbia’s campuses (and their IVY peers) had poisonous atmospheres and that was simply unacceptable, as it should be. 
EITHER way, it was understood (from a parental perspective) that even though Cambridge, Massachusetts and Pasadena, California are bastions of loony leftism, the fact remains that both campuses are hardly known for their liberal arts programs, even though they offer said courses. Therefore, the ability of said radical profs to capture impressionable minds was less of an issue, yet vigilance was surely required. If anything, at hard-core engineering and science-oriented schools, liberal arts profs are low on the professorial totem poles. In fact, they are often mocked. Tough luck.
THE point being, one dare not underestimate the precipitous dangers lurking within the halls of western academia, if ones choices are relegated to liberal arts schools and said profs rule the roost. To wit, it behooves every parent to pay heed to the underlying indoctrination at hand. Campus donors must also shoulder some of the responsibility, as it is their donations which help keep the mischief going, even if inadvertently. After all, said funds are part of the university’s engine.
URGENTLY, ask yourselves: is it, or is it not, acceptable for a Dean (or any prof) to operate under the assumption than an “ISIS (Hamas, etc) club” is indistinguishable from any other regular college club? AND if one believes that the Cornell Dean (cited in the video) is an anomaly, well, fantasyland is another option too.
IF anything, he just happened to be the one (out of countless immoral relativists lording over academia) who was caught on tape, stating that which should send shivers down any non-ISLAMIC loving spine!
JUST imagine what goes on behind academia’s “closed doors”, and to whom they lend their support when no one is the wiser and in earshot. Beyond an American nightmare… 
POSTSCRIPT: now, just dream, if you will, that the following young man (who, paradoxically, happens to be a Muslim) becomes a future Dean at one of America’s (or Europe’s) academic cesspools…oh, what a breath of fresh air he would bring! But his appointment is as likely to happen – within the incestuous confines plaguing academia – as pigs learning to fly.
REGARDLESS, listen up. 

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