Far Left FEC Chair Trashes The US Electoral College System During MSNBC Interview

(Gateway Pundit) – In June Ellen Weintrab (pictured above), a DEMOCRAT Chair of the Federal Election Commission posted a statement online condemning President Trump for suggesting he may accept oppo research from a foreign government.
Weintraub is a committed leftist.
This week Ellen Weintraub trashed the US electoral college system on MSNBC saying she worries it disenfranchises voters.
Via The Washington Examiner:
The chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission has raised new concerns about the legitimacy of elections like that of President Trump, who lost the popular vote but won an Electoral College victory.Ellen Weintraub, who has stepped up criticism of Trump’s claims of voter fraud, said she is worried that Americans will lose faith in elections where the Electoral College and not the popular vote rules.Appearing on MSNBC, she said that when she explains the U.S. system to foreign observers, they appear confused. Weintraub said she explains that typically a presidential candidate wins both the electoral and popular vote “and everyone’s happy.”But she said that hasn’t been the case in some recent elections, though she did not name Trump’s 2016 election or that of former President George W. Bush in 2000.“More recently that hasn’t been happening all the time,” she said on All In with Chris Hayes. “And I worry, that just like these other, where people from other countries were confused about it, that people in our own country will come to feel that the result is not legitimate.”
Flashback: Loser Hillary Clinton Whines About Her Crushing 2016 Loss – Then Lectures Democrats On How To Win 2020 Presidential Election (Video)
It has been nearly three years since the 2016 presidential election and two-time loser Hillary Clinton is still whining about her crushing loss to Donald Trump.
Clinton spoke to a crowd of young progressives in New York this week and told them that even though she ‘won the popular vote,’ she lost the 2016 election because of ‘forces at work.’
Hillary then warned the young progressives that Democrats will face many challenges in the upcoming 2020 election.
“We are going to face even more doubts about out electoral machinery about how we conduct our elections and who conducts them and who owns the intellectual property and who owns the machines and what is actually happening.”
“We have to be ten times as good. We have to be ten times as good with candidates. We have to be ten times as good with campaigns,” Hillary said.
Hillary Clinton didn’t even step foot in Wisconsin, a historically blue state that she lost to Trump in 2016, yet she’s lecturing Democrat candidates on how to ‘run the best campaign.’
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