Friday, January 3, 2020

From The Religion Of Peace

Former Father-In-Law Says Monsey Synagogue Stabber Grafton Thomas Identifies As A Muslim

(Gateway Pundit) – Five people were stabbed in an anti-Semitic attack inside a rabbi’s house in Monsey, New York on Saturday night.
The anti-Semitic attack occurred on the seventh day of Hanukkah.
According to reports, a black male entered Rabbi Rottenburg’s Shul, located in the Forshay neighborhood in Monsey, and pulled out a machete. He pulled off the cover and stabbed five people. One of the victims was stabbed in the chest.
Suspect Grafton Thomas, 37, was arrested on Saturday in Harlem after fleeing the scene of the attack. He was charged with five counts of attempted murder Sunday afternoon with bail set at $5 million.
Police found anti-Semitic writings at his apartment during their search. His family says he is not a terrorist.
And, according to his former father-in-law Grafton Thomas identifies as a Muslim.
The Heavy reported:
Thomas’s former stepfather, Joe Kennedy, told Heavy in an interview that, through the time he knew him, until 2014, Grafton had grown increasingly aggressive and unstable, even attacking him with a fire extinguisher. He believes Thomas is mentally ill and also provided some biographical details, saying that Thomas had previously served in the military, was born in America to a family with roots in Guyana, once worked on a chicken farm, and identified as Muslim.
Vos Iz Neias also reported: His former stepfather, Joe Kennedy informs us that Grafton Thomas, age 37, identifies as a Muslim.

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