Friday, April 2, 2021

Prominent Cubans

A publication of the Cuban Studies Institute
“Prominent Cubans” is a new series of weekly publications highlighting the principal political, economic, social and cultural leaders during Cuba’s late colonial and national period.
We hope you enjoy this new publication. 
Following is the 13th in this new series.
 Mario García Menocal (1866-1941)

Born in Matanzas province, December 17, his family took him to the United States on the outbreak of the Ten Years’ War and thence to Mexico, where his father settled as a sugar planter.  When he was 13, he was sent to the United States for his education.  Soon after his 1888 graduation from Cornell University as an engineer, he joined an uncle in Nicaragua who was studying the feasibility of a Nicaraguan interoceanic canal.  In 1891 he returned to Cuba to work as an engineer for a French company, surveying a proposed railroad in Camagüey province, but he soon got involved in politics.  On the outbreak of the Independence War of 1895-1898, he joined the rebels, fighting under Máximo Gómez, Antonio Maceo, and Calixto García.  Demonstrating a talent for military affairs and definite aptitude for strategy, he achieved the rank of general.  When the Spanish-American War began, he was promoted major general in charge of Havana and Matanzas provinces.  During the subsequent United States intervention, he served briefly as Havana’s police chief.  Returning to engineering, he created and managed the American Sugar Company’s Chaparra plantation, making it one of the largest sugar-growing estates of its kind in the world.

As a war veteran and successful businessman, he turned to politics in 1902.  His increasing popularity enabled him to run as the Partido Convervador’s candidate in the election of 1908.  Unsuccessful, he tried again and became the third president of independent Cuba on May 20, 1913.  During his first administration, education, public health, and agricultural output improved.  His administrative and financial reforms included the establishment of a Cuban banking system.  He strengthened relations with the United States and exposed the corruption of the Gómez administration. But, as time went by, his own administration deteriorated.  Graft and corruption became widespread.  When faced with violent opposition, he resorted to repression.  His allegedly fraudulent reelection resulted in the abortive Chambelona revolt, despite US warnings that it would support Menocal and not tolerate rebellion.  United States supervision of Cuban affairs and American economic influence grew.  Menocal took Cuba into World War I on April 7, 1917, the day after the US declaration of war.  Cuba floated loans in the United States and US Marines landed on the island, for training purposes.  The sale of Cuban sugar to the Allies led to brief period of prosperity called the Dance of the Millions.

Prosperity brought corruption, speculation, and inflation.  When sugar prices collapsed in late 1920, Cuba plunged into depression and misery.  Properties were foreclosed and sold at bargain prices, often to American investors.  As the election of 1920 approached, the United States sent Major General Enoch Crowder to prepare an electoral code. American control of Cuban affairs was growing and, with it, nationalism, and anti-Americanism.  After turning the Presidency over to Alfredo Zayas, Menocal returned to business, but stayed close to politics.  He ran unsuccessfully in the election of 1924.  When President Machado extended his presidential term, Menocal led the short-lived Revolution of 1931 in Pinar del Rio province.  He made another unsuccessful bid for the presidency in 1936 and he was a member of the Constituent Convention of 1939.  He died in Havana.
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This is a publication of the Cuban Studies Institute. 

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