population and then further examined to determine their qualifications and impartiality. Random selection has also been used by some countries to create advisory citizen groups.
In practice, before a random selection is made, the pool of eligible candidates must be defined. Many methods, such as screening by education, experience, or testing, have been proposed for developing a qualified pool of candidates as a subset of the population.
Sortition incorporates two key properties of random sampling: chance is impartial, and a large random sample reflects the characteristics of the entire population. Thus, sortition is more democratic than elections because those selected at random will represent more accurately the composition of the population with respect to personal characteristics and economic circumstances. Most importantly, the lawmaking of a randomly selected parliament is more likely to reflect the views of the population as a whole.
In principle, sortition is less corruptible than elections because chance can not be easily manipulated by money, power, or status. The Athenians believed elections to be antidemocratic and corrupt. As Aristotle put it: “It is accepted as democratic when public officials are allocated by lot [sortition]; and oligarchic when they are filled by election.”
Also, under most election systems, elected representatives rely on political parties to gain office, and are expected to vote along party lines. Their loyalty is split between party positions and their personal views. Representatives selected by sortition are not indebted to anyone for their positions. Their loyalty is strictly to their conscience.
As an approach to representative democracy, sortition makes us uncomfortable because it requires us to rethink the sacrosanct concept of voting. Yet, we use sortition to select juries empowered to make life and death decisions. Sortition may also make us uncomfortable if we believe that voting is a system to elevate the best of us to positions of power. Sortition does not do that, but then, do elections elevate our best?
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