(Sarah Palin) – Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Tom Coburn, Mark Levin, and George Will have joined together to get the word out on how we can rein in big Government. Yesterday on Facebook Sarah posted a link to her daughter Bristol’s blog on how we need to learn about something called ‘Convention of the States’. Have you heard of this before?
Do you live in Virginia or do you have friends or family that live there? If you do you need to spread the word about this!
Read the full text of her post below:
SPECIAL: Modern Day Patriots, this is the time to stand shoulder to shoulder with our forefathers in Lexington and Concord. We need the Tea Party now more than ever.
Tired of Government Gone Wild? Here’s What We Can Do About It!Our Founders put a special sort of “emergency cord” right into Article V of our Constitution as a last resort to rein in our wayward federal government drunk on its own power. That article gives states the power to call a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution.Three states have already successfully passed legislation calling for a Convention of the States, and right now it’s Virginia’s turn. We need every patriot to step up and remind lawmakers in the Old Dominion why we support the Convention of States.
By calling a Convention of the States, average citizens can stop the federal spending spree, power grabs, and other abuses by proposing amendments to rein in the federal government. After the states draft, debate, and vote upon these proposed amendments, they will then be sent to all 50 states for ratification, and three-quarters of the states must agree for any of the proposed amendments to be ratified.The beauty of this process is that neither the President nor Congress has the authority to stop it. It is truly in the hands of We the People. This idea is really the last recourse of the citizens to rein in DC and restore our country to a Constitutionally limited federal government.Please read this post at Bristol’s blog to find out which Virginia lawmakers to contact right away to encourage them to vote for the Convention of States legislation in Virginia (SJ 269 and HJ 497):http://www.patheos.com/…/contact-these-virginia-legislator…/Please, folks, let’s not be complacent about this! This is a time for all patriots to take a stand!- Sarah PalinPS – You may have heard about this idea of the Convention of the States from my friend Mark Levin’s best-selling book “The Liberty Amendments.” If you haven’t read Mark’s book, I encourage you to do so!To learn more about the Convention of States, check outConventionofStates.com, where you can send a petition to your state legislator and sign up to be a volunteer.
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