Welcome to The Michael Savage Newsletter, your daily insider report on all things "Savage."
In today's issue: Savage lost his patience with a caller who insisted that black criminals who’ve been shot by police officers had been "abused" by "the system."
Savage shared is own experience with "affirmative action" three decades ago then asked if that policy had truly made America a better place.
- Stop hiding behind racial garbage.
Stand up like a man and do something with your life.
I'm an immigrant's son. Do you think someone handed me anything?
I've worked more jobs in my life than you can imagine.
Every penny I've earned, I had to fight for.
Stop telling me how "racist" the country is.
I'm tired of hearing about "race standing in your way" because today, the opposite is true.
How else do we have a black man in the White House?
Affirmative action almost destroyed my life.
After I got my degree, they told me: "White men need not apply. Some lives have to be put on hold so that minorities can move ahead."
That was 30 years ago. They've moved far ahead by now.
And look at the country.
Take a look at what minority rule is doing to our nation.
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