Welcome to The Michael Savage Newsletter, your daily insider report on all things "Savage."
In today's issue: Dr. Savage denounced the “race hustlers” who are stirring up violence and division across America, from the White House on down.
What’s the point of voting in elections, he wonders, when the president can behave like a dictator, without opposition?
- Meanwhile, Al Sharpton is now advising Sony Pictures about what they can produce and advising the president about how to divide the races.
What's next?
Will Sharpton be advising the police about how to do their jobs?
How does a nation devolve so rapidly?
There was an election six weeks ago where the policies of racism and hatred were rejected at the ballot box.
The very next day, the conman-in-chief got up and said, basically, that there was no election.
He said he'd more or less do what he wanted, because by the time the next election rolls around they'll have enough illegal aliens in the country to vote for the Democrats.
Obama laughed at us, the people who vote and pay the taxes.
What happened in New York City is just the beginning of the race war we're involved in.
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