Monday, December 1, 2014

Islamic-Based Sleeper Cells

Ask the Expert with Paul “Dave” Gaubatz

Islamic-Based Sleeper Cells in the U.S. and Israel and the Prevention of More Islamic-Based Terrorist Attacks

Paul "Dave" Gaubatz, today's "Ask the Expert" guest, specializes in counter-terrorism. We probably won’t have another expert with his superior level of boots-on-the-ground experience, knowledge, and qualifications in our current topic: “Islamic-Based Terrorist Cells in the U.S. and Israel and the Prevention of More Islamic-Based Terrorist Attacks.” 
Dave Gaubatz was introduced to us by Adina Kutnicki, Islam Exposed's Israeli administrator and resident Muslim Brotherhood expert. He is one of her foremost connections and sources, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank her for making this interview possible with someone of his caliber and knowledge.
About Paul "Dave" Gaubatz
Aside from co-authoring the magna carté of books on the Muslim underworld, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America, Dave Gaubatz is a U.S. State Department-trained Arabic linguist and a retired Federal Agent with the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). With over three decades of combined Air Force (AF) experience, his career has led him on missions spanning the Middle East — from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait to Iraq. As a Special Federal Agent, he has received the highest forms of U.S. security clearances for top-secret intelligence information — including for weapons of mass destruction and espionage — and has been briefed into many "black projects."
Among his varied achievements, Gaubatz has investigated felony crimes against the U.S. Air Force and government, as well as has been assigned to counterterrorism and counterintelligence investigations. He was the very first Special Civilian Agent deployed to Nasiriyah, Iraq, in 2003 for Operation Liberation Iraq. Using his Arabic training to travel throughout, he gathered vital intelligence on espionage and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Although he was able to uncover sites, the U.S. failed to excavate them, and the weapons were later taken by groups of insurgents. 
During this stint in Iraq, Gaubatz was also assigned to rescue the family of Mohammed Odeh Al-Rehaief, the Iraqi lawyer who aided in rescuing Pfc. Jessica Lynch. He has earned numerous Federal awards for identifying WMD sites and Islamic terrorists planning attacks against the U.S. and its troops.
Upon his return from Iraq in 2003, Gaubatz wrote an Arabic street survival guide and began to lecture at schools, businesses, and law enforcement agencies. His book, Muslim Mafia, which he co-wrote with Paul Sperry and published in 2009, has gained the endorsement of such prominent figures as Congresswoman Sue Myrick, who also wrote its Forward. He also held the position as the Chief Investigator of the Dallas County Medical Examiner’s Office and as the National Investigator of Target Corporation. 
Gaubatz now continues his public service independently. He publishes his own blog, owns Wahhabi CT Publications, and provides counterterrorism training materials for law enforcement and other organizations. He is frequently called upon for speaking engagements and training. Yet, setting the bar even higher, he refuses to accept any fees — including the proceeds from his publications and book, which he donates to charity. We encourage readers to visit his blog and to purchase a signed, personalized copy of Muslim Mafia or visit Amazon.com to look inside.

Q's & A's with Dave Gaubatz and Fans of Islam Exposed

About the Format and Forum: Fans of Islam Exposed were asked to submit questions for our guest expert, Paul "Dave" Gaubatz, in advance for possible selection. Our administrators then compiled them, selected the leading, most common questions, and submitted them to him for his response. He has now answered their queries, which are presented and moderated by one of our Islam Exposed contributors, Lisa Michelle. The following fans and members comprise our panel . . .
Panelists (in alphabetical order):
Samanmal Bandara (Sri Lanka); Ann Bell (United Kingdom); Mark Diamond (U.S.); Rickie Elliot (US); Larry Estavan; P. Dave Gaubatz (U.S), Our Guest Expert; Eulene Johnson (U.S.); Dretch K (Israel); Adina Kutnicki, Israeli Administrator, Islam Exposed; Christopher Logan (U.S.), Creator of Logan's Warning and President of North American Infidels; George McCallum (U.S.); Ricardo Medina (Peru); Lisa Michelle (U.S.), Islam Exposed Moderator; Luis Monge (Costa Rica); Yavi Ore (Canada); Prayingpat (U.S.); and Nicolai Sennels (Denmark), Our Previous "Ask the Expert" Guest.

Lisa Michelle, Islam Exposed (IE) Moderator: 
We are privileged to welcome Dave Gaubatz as our guest for "Ask the Expert." Welcome and thank you for joining us. We now immediately segue into our question-and-answer segment with a few questions by us followed by fans.
The title of your book, Muslim Mafia, implies a parallel between Islamic operations and organized crime, particularly with groups such as the Mafia or "Mob." Would you elaborate on why you make such a comparison in your book and what that parallel is?
D. Gaubatz 
The title Muslim Mafia was well-thought out by the publisher (WND) and myself. The undercover project upon which the book is based pertains to CAIR[Council of American-Islamic Relations] National in Washington, DC. It is well known and documented. They are a Muslim Brotherhood front. CAIR is a well-organized and financed terrorist-supporting organization. Its primary objective is to raise funding for Islamic-based terrorist organizations such as Hamas, as well as for Al Qaeda. It is a business and is a criminal enterprise like the Italian mob.
Adina Kutnicki, Israel Administrator: Can you please explain to readers the connection between Sharia law compliant financial instruments and their nexus to terror, specifically narco-terror? Too many believe the spin put forth that Sharia law finance is exclusively a means to enable Muslims to stay clear of investments considered "impure" according to Islamic principles.
D. Gaubatz 
Sharia financing is a very dangerous aspect of the Islamic ideology and Sharia law. Islamic scholars want people to believe it is all about usury (interest on loans). Sharia financing goes all the way from the poppy fields of Afghanistan to the heroin users on the streets of New York, LA, and across the U.S. It is a tool used by Muslims to keep the bookkeepers of illegal funds and illegal bookkeeping from the eyes of organizations such as the IRS.
Lisa Michelle, IE Moderator:  We hear all time from politicians and media about terrorist cells and organizations, which obviously pose a threat to our national and international security. We also hear the terms Islamic “extremists,” “moderate” Muslims, and “Islamophobes” bantered about with little to no attention on the insidious nature and risks of stealth or "civilized" Jihad posed by so-called “moderate” Muslims, the rapid increase of mosque building here in America and abroad, and groups such as CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, etc.
By the same token, many of these groups and individuals do indeed seem to have assimilated and adapted to Western society.  What is really going on behind the scenes at these institutions? In your educated estimation, what percentage of Muslims are in fact moderate and peaceful and how much of a threat do or will they present if their population in America continues to rise as it has in Europe? 
D. Gaubatz 
A “radical Muslim” is a “practicing” Muslim. A “Moderate” Muslim is a “non-practicing” Muslim or otherwise known as an “Apostate of Islam." I ask readers to read my prior article, The Fallacy of the Moderate Muslim.” There are essentially four types of people associated with Islam. 
    1. You have the "Pure Muslim" who does everything he or she can to be an example of what Islam was mandated to be by Prophet Mohammed (the founder of Islam). These folks are the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and a dozen other Islamic terrorist groups. They are otherwise known as the band of the Muslim Brotherhood.
    2. The second group are Muslims who found and lead such organizations as CAIR, ISNA, MSA [Muslim Students' Association], MANA [Muslim Alliance in North America], etc. They spend millions on public relations to make themselves appear as peaceful Muslims only wanting to help other Muslims in need. In actuality, these groups are simply fronts of the Muslim Brotherhood to help fund their illegal operations.
    3. The third group consists of what the world describes as “Moderate” Muslims. They have little to do with Islam and Sharia law. The majority of them are simply Apostates of Islam. The dangerous part is that some of these so-called moderates will side with Islamic terror groups when “the time is right.”
    4. The fourth type of group is made up of liberals worldwide who are non-Muslim but who support the Islamic ideology before they would support their own governments in America, Egypt, UK, etc. They are a grave danger, because they provide cover for terror groups.
Lisa Michelle, IE Moderator: What about interfaith dialogue? Do you think that the concepts of multiculturalism and engagement in interfaith dialogue between Muslims, Israel, the Jewish people, and the West in general are productive or do they pose a danger to us and why?
D. Gaubatz 
Interfaith dialogue is very, very dangerous. It is nothing but a deceptive tool originated by Islamic organizations such as CAIR and a dozen other Islamic-based terrorist supporting groups. Islamic scholars have informed me during my undercover operations that interfaith dialogue is used by Islamic groups to get naive Christian ministers, pastors, rabbis, etc., to side with them on Islamic issues and to denounce anyone critical of Islam. Islamic groups have a confidential database of human sources. They recruit Christian leaders unwittingly. They know that if a pastor of a large church gives them support, it doesn't matter what the 2,000 people in his/her congregation feel about Islam.
Ricki Elliot (U.S.): What are some of the most common techniques that Muslims use to become accepted members of U.S. society?
D. Gaubatz 
The vast majority of people who identify with Islam in America do not adhere to Sharia law 100 percent as Islam dictates. They are essentially Apostates of Islam. There are thousands, if not millions, of Muslims who assimilate into the American culture by going to our colleges, obtaining legitimate employment, and swearing by the U.S. Constitution just to avoid scrutiny by the U.S. intelligence organizations. They are known as “Sleeper Cells.” When the timing is right, they will openly support physical Jihad operations against America and Israel. Our “Mapping Sharia” study shows that 75 plus percent of the mosques and Islamic centers in America have materials calling for hate and violence against non-Muslims and their respective governments.
Ann Bell (United Kingdom): Why are so many Muslims emigrating to the West?
D. Gaubatz 
The ultimate objective of Islam is to establish a worldwide Islamic Ummah (nation) under Sharia law. In order to do this, Muslims must be in every part of the world and multiply. They are doing this throughout the world, especially in England, Germany, and the U.S. If they can populate these superpowers, they are closer to victory. Imam Siraj Wahhaj, MANA, Brooklyn, New York, said it best: "The U.S. can bomb us in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc., but they can’t bomb us in America."
Luis Monge (Costa Rica): We in Costa Rica have more than a few mosques. Should we consider every mosque a potential breeding ground for sleeper-cell terrorists, since the only difference between Muslims who carry out violent acts and peaceful ones seems to be how devout they really are?
D. Gaubatz 
Every mosque throughout the world is a breeding ground for Islamic-based terrorism. The mosques are considered safe houses. Over 75 percent openly have material calling for Jihad against non-Muslims. This applies in Costa Rica.
Rickie Elliot (U.S.): How can we successfully block the establishment of a mosque within a city, particularly Norfolk, Virginia, and its surrounding cities?
D. Gaubatz 
The chance of blocking a mosque or the expansion of a mosque in America is virtually zero. They will fight for decades to achieve their goal. Mosques in America are strategically placed (all 2,300). Until we can convince America’s leaders and law enforcement that Islam is a danger to our nation, we are fighting an uphill battle. There is only one slight chance of stopping the building of a mosque: you must provide first-hand evidence of what they are teaching.
George McCallum (U.S.): Do you think that it is possible to have a moratorium on Islamic immigration and the building of any new mosques in the United States? If so, how do we structure it so that it will hold up under any court challenges?
 D. Gaubatz 
I think what you suggest about a moratorium on new mosques and immigration of Sharia compliant Muslims into America is the only way we (Americans) have a chance to defeat our number-one enemy. The number-one enemy in America is not Al Qaeda, Hamas, etc. It is the Islamic ideology itself. Until more Americans begin to understand this and are able to convince our politicians that the Islamic ideology is a hate and violence-filled doctrine that must be viewed for what it is, we have little chance of stopping the building of mosques and preventing "Sleeper Terrorists" inside our country. There are approximately 2,300 mosques in America and growing.
Yavi Ore (Canada): Jammat al-Fuqra is a terrorist group in the United States that has terrorist training camps on American soil. How is this possible, and what can the average American do to put an end to this Islamic takeover?
D. Gaubatz 
The 30 plus Jammeat Al Fuqura compounds are a grave danger to our national security. I have been to several of the compounds and have met several of their members. They are a group of thousands, bound together to fight for an Islamic Ummah (nation) worldwide. They are planning and training for physical Jihad within their private camps. There is ample evidence to show their true intentions. Yet, U.S. law enforcement agencies ignore their actions. We need the top leadership of our country to denounce and criminalize them, but this will never happen with Obama in charge.
Ricardo Medina (Peru): Why is the U.S. government still supporting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, knowing that it funds many terrorist cells around the world?
 D. Gaubatz 
America stands behind Saudi Arabia through ignorance and for financial gain. Saudi Arabia pumps billions of dollars into the U.S. economy, and, as we know, Congressmen and Senators get a piece of the pie. Saudi Arabia is "Pure Islam." Sadly, our President is more Sharia compliant than he is a supporter of the U.S. Constitution. Saudi also controls much of our media, which includes Fox News. When you control the media, you control the actions of politicians.
Lisa Michelle, IE Moderator: As the first civilian Federal Agent deployed into Iraq at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, part of your mission was to identify weapons of mass destruction (WMD). You uncovered their sites, but the WMD were later taken by insurgents. Do you have any idea where they are now and how much of a current threat they pose to us?
 D. Gaubatz 
In April 2003, my team and I (a group of six U.S. Federal Agents) were deployed to southern Iraq to locate Saddam and his forces and to identify WMD sites for exploitation. We had numerous Iraqis near Nasiriyah, Iraq, who came forward and stated there were four primary WMD sites in southern Iraq. We went to each of these sites. 
Per the methods of Saddam, the WMD were buried deep beneath the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. You would need heavy equipment and numerous personnel to excavate them. We wrote our classified reports to the Iraq Survey Group (ISG), to top officials within DOD [Department of Defense] and the Pentagon, and to the White House.
We could not get anyone to respond to the sites and to excavate them. We were told there is a war going on and it was dangerous to travel to the locations we identified. We just shook our heads. The Iraqis had informed us that if we didn’t excavate the sites, Saddam Fedeyeen and insurgents would. They advised that the WMD would be shipped to Syria for safekeeping. Several Iraqis gave their lives to assist the U.S. in identifying WMD. Many lost their lives because they helped us. America let them down.
Lisa Michelle, IE Moderator: Then why were you and your team sent on a mission to uncover WMD in the first place? Failure to excavate them led many Americans to believe that the Bush administration had deceived them about a needless war.
D. Gaubatz 
The ISG (Iraq Survey Group) let Bush down. Top military knew the sites were never checked but sent reports to the White House stating that all sites were checked. Leaders on the ground in Iraq truly let down Bush.
Eulene Johnson (U.S.): Are there more terrorists in the U.S. than the average citizen knows about?
D. Gaubatz 
There are an estimated million plus Muslims in America who will support physical Jihad actions against America when the time comes and they are called into action. They represent all walks of life in America — doctors, engineers, college students, police officers, military, and politicians.
Prayingpat (U.S.): Is our present administration ignorant of Islam's goals or just fearful of them? Why is it that they think we can negotiate with those who are willing to die themselves in order to kill us? I just don't get it.
D. Gaubatz 
Our current administration is led by a man who is closer to Islam and Sharia law than he is the U.S. Constitution. Obama is a very smart man. He knows exactly what he is doing. Destroying America is at the top of his list. The best way to destroy a nation is from the inside. One of Obama’s top friends was Bill Ayers. He and his group (Weather Underground) tried to destroy our country in the sixties by bombing U.S. government buildings, such as military recruiting centers. Ayers is a mentor to Obama.
Obama and crew know you can’t negotiate with Islamic based terrorists and their supporters, but he also knows most Americans don’t realize this and do not understand the Islamic ideology. Obama plays into the hands of the naïve Americans by trying to negotiate with people who desire death before life.
Samanmal Bandara (Sri Lanka): It is clear that the holy book of Islam, the Qur'an, consists largely of human rights violations. Why then does the United Nations and international system of law still recognize Islam as a true religion, rather than banning it and labeling the Qur'an as a terrorist guide book?
D. Gaubatz 
The Qur'an and related Islamic material are filled with hate and violence. Islam has been dangerous and killing non-Muslims for over 1,400 years. One need only look around at the world to see the wars that involve Muslims. The only way to defeat Islam is to brand the Islamic ideology as a violent and dangerous form of government, and it must be criminalized. To do less is a sure way to lose our country.
Larry Estavan (U.S.): Can you provide us with more details about why you denounced Robert Spencer, Frank Gaffney, Daniel Pipes, and Bridgette Gabriel?
D. Gaubatz 
First of all, I never mentioned any names in reference to the article I wrote about conservative non-profit organizations. I respect Spencer, Gaffney, and anyone who strives to educate Americans about the dangers of Islam. It is my belief that as a conservative non-profit organization your rights to fully explain the truth about Islam and politicians who support Islamic-based terrorists is limited. 
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the government organization that monitors 501 non-profit organizations. We all know the IRS is a tool for Obama. As a non-profit, there are strict limits about what you can say about politicians. You can’t support one over another. As a non-profit, your hands are tied by the IRS. 
Anyone who has ever been involved in a non-profit organization knows that they are money-making businesses. The leaders and employees of a non-profit make a very good living off of tax-exempt donors. Very little of the money goes into real work and research. A non-profit is more of a billboard with rantings about various issues.
I do not belong to any non-profits, and I have no limits on what I can say about Obama or Islamic-based terrorist organizations. The IRS does not control my actions. I conduct first-hand research of Islamic groups using my money and with small support from concerned Americans.
Nicolai Sennels (Denmark), Prior Guest ExpertHow is Islam as an organization infiltrating the European Union?
D. Gaubatz 
Islam and Sharia law have taken over the countries of Europe. England, Germany, France, and others have already reached the point of no return. Sharia roots have already been accepted throughout Europe, and, once the tentacles of Sharia take hold, you will never rid yourself of its abuses. Sharia is like a terminal cancer. It just continues to spread, even if you conduct surgery to remove it. Sharia is terminal.
Luis Monge (Costa Rica): I recognize the threat from Islam in the West. Do you know anything about where sleeper cells are in Central and South America? Specifically, what Latin countries are importing Islam? 
D. Gaubatz 
Columbia and Peru are key points for Islamic sleeper cells and for Islamic narcotics suppliers. See Muslim Organizations in Latin America for more details.
Lisa Michelle, IE Moderator:  Israel is often blamed for the violence that has erupted in the Middle East — most recently with the Arab Spring — and for Islamic hostility towards the West due to its support for Israel. Is Israel really to blame for it and impeding our efforts towards peace, and why or why not? 
D. Gaubatz 
Israel and the Israeli people are America’s closest friends when it comes to our love of the Jewish people and for our national security. Israel is wedged between Islamic countries that have been terrorizing the Jewish people for over 1,400 years. There is absolutely nothing the Jewish people in Israel can do to be safe from Palestinian terrorists (Hamas and others).
Islam has taught innocent Muslim children for centuries that the Jewish people are their enemies. Innocent Muslim children often grow up to be martyrs for Islamic-based terrorists and Islam. I encourage every American to always stay and work with the people of Israel. If Israel were to fall, America would as well.
Israel, England, France, Russia, Germany, and dozens of other countries also have been attacked by Islamic-based terrorists. The attacks are not the fault of any one country or government. The attacks all come down to this: Islam is a violent and hate-filled ideology. "Pure Muslims," who follow Islam as it was dictated by Prophet Mohammed, kill Jews, Christians, and any race or culture of people who are non-Muslim. This is what is taught by Islamic scholars. 
Even if Israel did not exist, there are still hundreds of millions of non-Muslims in the world of whom they would attack. The goal of Islam is to establish an Islamic Ummah (nation) all over the world to live under Sharia law. The Islamic ideology teaches that in order to establish a worldwide Ummah, the non-believers must be killed. I highly suggest non-Muslims support one another.
Lisa Michelle, IE Moderator: What, if anything, is Israel doing differently than we are in the U.S. to deal with terrorist cells? 
D. Gaubatz 
Israel has known the primary reason Muslims commit terrorists acts against them is because this is what they are taught to do by parents and Islamic leaders. The Israeli intelligence and investigative organizations fully understand that Muslim terrorists commit their murders in the name of Islam.
Dretch K (Israel): If counterterrorism is to be 100 percent effective, wouldn’t simply banning Islam be the way to go?
D. Gaubatz 
Criminalize Islam worldwide and we will have peace worldwide. This is the only way innocent people worldwide will not have to suffer the hate and violence within Islam. This may seem hard for some to digest, but it is reality.
Mark Diamond (U.S.): How likely is it that the U.S. will confront civil war/unrest in the near future? What role would jihadi infiltrators and Muslim terrorists have in this scenario? 
D. Gaubatz 
I have written papers on the likelihood of a civil war in America. I will attach a link to one, A Civil War in America,” from December 29, 2013. America is caught in a snare that likely will not be broken. There is actual hate against liberals and conservatives. The turning point of a civil war will happen if President Obama attempts to stay in office after his term ends in 2016. Millions of Americans will view this as the destruction of our U.S. Constitution. Millions of Americans will not allow this. Islam will play a large role. Obama is closer to the Muslim Brotherhood than he is to U.S. law. Islamic fighters will fight for Obama and the collapse of America. This is what Islamic scholars desire.
Mark Diamond (U.S.): How can we prevent this outcome from taking place?
D. Gaubatz 
When it comes down to the point that Americans feel the U.S. Constitution has been abolished by liberals, there will be a civil war. The only way to prevent a civil war is if conservative Americans perceive that liberals love America and support the Constitution. This will not happen, so the only conclusion is for another civil war in America.
Christopher Logan (U.S.), President of North American Infidels & Creator of Logan's WarningDo you think we will win this war if we do not end Muslim immigration and ban Islam?
D. Gaubatz 
America can’t win any war if our government leaders do not name the enemy. The enemy is the Islamic ideology itself — not Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. These terrorist groups are just fall-outs of Islam. America must view the Islamic ideology as evil. This will not happen, and we will see fighting in America with brother against brother, and father against sons.
Lisa Michelle, IE Moderator: How then do you suggest that we prepare for such an event?
D. Gaubatz 
The best way to prepare for a civil war is to support pro-Constitutional organizations. In addition, the American people should have in storage large amounts of food, water, guns/ammunition, and items to barter/trade with. There will be no winners in a civil war, but I believe there is no way America can avoid one.
Lisa Michelle, IE Moderator: Thank you for what has been a riveting and extremely eye-opening segment. And, of course, thank for your invaluable expertise. We would also like to thank our panelists for their thought-provoking questions and to stress the need for our readers to share this vital interview with their family and friends. 

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