Wednesday, September 25, 2019

‘Howdy Modi’

Standing Ovation For Trump At Packed Houston Stadium — Indian Americans Roar For Trump At ‘Howdy Modi’ Rally (Video)

(Breitbart) – President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi thrilled a crowd of 50,000 Indian-Americans after they paraded around the stadium on Sunday.
The president and prime minister both spoke at NRG Stadium in Houston during a event for Trump and Modi supporters billed as a “Howdy Modi: Shared Dreams, Bright Futures” event.
After the speech, Modi approached Trump and urged him to walk around the stadium with him.
Clasping hands, the stadium roared with approval as the pair of leaders walked around the stadium while Indian drums played.
Both leaders pumped their fists and waved at the audience as the event concluded.
Trump and Modi both spoke at the event, championing the economic relationship between the two countries and the jobs created in the Trump administration.
Trump also vowed to protect the American dream for Indian-Americans, thanking them for their hard work and contributions to the United States.
“Illegal immigration is deeply unfair to millions of wonderful legal immigrants who work hard and pay their taxes, follow our rules and obey our laws,” Trump said.
He noted that Democrats in Washington wanted to raid taxpayer government benefits in favor of illegal immigrants.
“We are going to take care of our Indian-American citizens before we take care of illegal immigrants that want to pour into our country,” he said.
Modi lavished praise on the president, noting that Trump “calls me a tough negotiator but he himself is a master of the art of the deal and I am learning a lot from him.”
He also described Trump as a “friend” of India and praised his economic success in the United States.
“I admire him for something more: his sense of leadership, a passion for America, a concern for every American, a belief in American future, and a strong resolve to make America great again and he has already made the American economy strong again,” he said.

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