Friday, August 29, 2014

America On FIRE:Obama’s BROTHERHOOD Torch! Domestic And Foreign Matches…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

America On FIRE:Obama’s BROTHERHOOD Torch! Domestic And Foreign Matches…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

NOT unlike a careening freight train, domestic and foreign fires are threatening to engulf the U.S., eventually plunging towards the entire west. This is not a hallucination from an overactive imagination. These feet are firmly planted on the ground. Rock solid. “It be” reality-in-the-making, if not halted in its tracks.
NOW, whether or not one chooses to believe as much, that’s an individual’s prerogative. One is reminded of the saying, you can lead a horse to water….
MOREOVER, since the inception of this site (end of June 2012) this investigative journalist has never wavered from sharing with readers the truth, come what may. No wishy washy fence-sitting. As such, on Sept. 20, 2012 it was noted:
*’Dhimmitude Comes To The U.S….Stealthily Knocking…Blowing Down Its Doors…A Nation Mostly Unawares’ – http://adinakutnicki.com/2012/08/12/dhimmitude-comes-to-the-us-stealthily-knocking-blowing-down-its-doors-a-nation-mostly-unawares-commentary-by-adina-kutnicki/.
And, read the horrific results of the Pyromaniac-in-Chief’s efforts, assiduously applied over the last 4 years, as the leader of the (heretofore) free world! 

‘UNREAL… Obama Invites Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President to Meet Next Week – Refuses to Meet Netanyahu’

RESULTANT, the threats to this site started to pour in…not an auspicious beginning to a blog venture. Be that as it may, that was then and this is now. So along comes today’s assessment from Claire Lopez, an experienced CIA expert/operative whose credentials require little introduction to many of this blog’s readership:
INTERESTINGLY, this site proposed the same charge sheet five days ago: a case can be made to charge Barack HUSSEIN Obama with treason! 
STILL, it is gratifying to know that well respected heavy-weights are jumping on board.
WITH the above in mind, recognize that the following is offered as a basic analogy. But you decide if Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s golf jaunts and otherwise recreational “down low” nookie-time (while domestic and foreign fires engulf Americans…even the beheading of an American didn’t give him pause) is (more or less) analogous to Nero fiddling while Rome burned! 
Okey dokey…
REGARDLESS of the above, many are still pointing to issues with the fact that he seems disconnected (yes and no, there ARE reasons why he “appears disconnected”) in order to explain his “odd” behavior, domestically and foreign-wise. 
YES, a solid clinical case has been made that the Anti-American-in-Chief suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, NPD. Guaranteed, he is certainly not the first one to suffer from this disorder, nor will he be the last. However, others who are similarly afflicted are not leading the free world. Herein lies the difference. The extraordinary danger(s).
After hearing this interview, this Moralmatters.org author is even more convinced of aka Obama’s mental deterioration as described in this website’s multiple linked page –“Barack Obama’s Mental Illness.” Please note the following Moralmatters.org reader’s comment – and, then the very informative interview which you won’t regret taking the time to listen [to].
An Interview with Dr. Sam Vaknin, author of the bestseller “Malignant Self-Love”, the definitive book on clinical narcissism.
Vaknin, in discussion with Brent Bedford and Matthew Ogden, emphasizes the frightening and cataclysmic implications of Barack Obama’s incurable mental state, and underscores the critical importance of Lyndon LaRouche’s dire warnings that Obama’s psychology mirrors that of Emperor Nero and Adolf Hilter — and will turn out to be just as destructive for the nation and the world, unless removed from office under the provision of the 25th Amendment.
CONCOMITANTLY, a well respected psychiatric forensic analyst offered more than enough compelling evidence, leading to a similar conclusion. Enter: Dr. Michael Welner, Chairman, The Forensic Panel:
THE above is more than germane to America’s burning house, and the parts played by the Pyromaniac-in-Chief in tandem with his Brotherhood Mafia. 
Major Domestic Alarm:
THIS investigative journalist already EXPOSED a list of major Brotherhood operatives inside America, and their linkage to Obama Inc. Does it get any scarier? It does.
Attendant Foreign Alarm:
NOT content to implant Brotherhood terrorists within his administration, he givesassists to ISIS brothers-in-arms. Yes, he does….
SIGNIFICANTLY, even his White House mouthpieces are having trouble keeping up with the “disconnected” narrative. Judge for yourselves:
CLEAR as a bell. 
BESIDES, as to the “no” part  of the “yes and no” qualifier above, re issues with the fact that he seems disconnected, one also has to understand the following: the fact that he is a clinical narcissist does not obviate his COMPLETE CONNECTION to swirling domestic and foreign fires. In other words, one can be absolutely mentally disconnected from other people’s pain, yet totally immerse in planning that which will gets the job done. It’s not a black or white issue. More often than not, it’s symbiotic.
ALAS, those who are incapable of feeling “connected” are more than likely to be the arsonists! Most significantly, by passing his actions off as “disconnects” one totally misses the dangers at hand. Counter intuitively, said “excuses” let the Arsonist-in-Chief off the hook. To whose benefit is that?

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