Monday, March 30, 2015

Alabama Decided to Ban Shariah Law… So Here’s What Muslims Did

Last year, voters in Alabama overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure that banned the use of foreign codes of law in Alabama courts.
This law, similar to laws already passed or being pursued in a number of other states, essentially prohibits American courts from considering or utilizing codes of law that or run counter to the U.S. Constitution, such as Islamic Shariah law.
Of course, Muslim activist groups, such as the unindicted terrorist front group Council on American-Islamic Relations, are simply outraged and are pushing back.
This time however, in addition to their usual tactic of hurling accusations of racism, bigotry, and Islamaphobia, CAIR is organizing to step up its game in opposing laws similar to what was just passed in Alabama.
This is being done with a handbook written a couple of years ago that lays out the legislative process in most states and provides tools and resources for Muslim activists to use.
The CAIR handbook, ironically entitled Securing Religious Liberty, distorts and downplays the threat that Shariah law poses to the U.S. Constitution and the Western way of life.
The handbook provides various resources, like media and legal tools, as well as talking points and a disingenuous description of Shariah, to counter efforts at prohibiting the use of Shariah in American courts.
Islamic Shariah law is simply not compatible with Western society and the U.S. Constitution, and this effort by CAIR must be countered and stopped.
CAIR has absolutely no interest in protecting religious liberty, other than that of Muslims, and has made no bones about its desire to impose Shariah law on all Americans one day, if given the chance.
That must not be allowed to happen. Laws like the one in Alabama should be passed in all states to ensure that no Islamic Tribunals or Shariah courts are established in America.

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