illegal-aliensWelcome to “The Michael Savage Newsletter,” your daily insider report on all things “Savage.”
In today’s issue: Dr. Savage pondered the problem of America’s shifting demographics.
Between the endless influx of illegals across the southern border to Obama’s insistence on bringing in more and more Muslim immigrants, Savage fears that our grandchildren will live in a United States we would barely recognize.
“Many people listening to this show have grandchildren,” noted Savage.
Look ahead and try to imagine the world of America and what it will look like in 20 or 30 years if people like Obama aren’t stopped.
Your grandchildren will become minorities in their own nation.
They will be fighting Shariah law.
They will have to fight every day of their life for survival.
This will happen because of the march of Islam, soaring immigration and the work of Obama.
You will all have to accept the regime of the new majority: a Muslim regime.
If you think that’s a good thing, that it represents “diversity,” then you are mentally ill.
The country is being invaded because you have an invader in the White House.