
Welcome to “The Michael Savage Newsletter,” your daily report on all things “Savage.”
In today’s issue: In his evaluation of the candidates running for president, Savage told his listeners his chief concern is the survival of America.
He’s supporting Donald Trump simply because “there’s no other candidate that can get the job done.”
There are others who promise that they will do things, but they cannot get the job done.
Rand Paul is unelectable. He’s a crank.
Ted Cruz, unelectable. He cannot get the job done.
Good man. Smart man. Not a perfect man. Not a purist, by any means, if you actually analyze his background.
Certainly more conservative than Donald Trump. I give you that. I admit that. I’m not denying it.
However, he can’t get anything done.
Even if he could win, which I doubt, he could not get Congress behind him.
You know, one thing I learned, way back when, during the era of Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was a liberal Democrat through and through — big man from Texas, huge man — and that’s an important point I’m making right now. I hate to make it sound like what I’m saying, but size matters in politics.
You may not know this, but commanding people requires a certain presence.
That’s true in the military. It’s true in politics. It’s not 100 percent true. Al Capone was five-foot three, but he was a maniac, I get that. There were murderers who were short who could scare the heck out of big guys. I get all of that.
But in a general election, size matters.
The size of the candidate. I know you don’t believe this. You’re never heard this before. Where is Savage getting this stuff from? I didn’t read that in the National Review. Size matters. Well, of course you didn’t. I’m an original, which is why I’ve been ostracized my whole life in the media.
The very forces that have been mocking Trump have been mocking me.
When I first came along, they said, “He’ll destroy the conservative movement, that Savage. He’s too vocal. He’s too New York. He’s too real, he’s too this, he’s too that.”
Well, they were wrong. Whatever they said was wrong.
Here I am, 21 years later. How much longer it’ll be; it’s up to God, it’s not up to me.