Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Official: Obama’s Got Muslim Daddy Issues

JUNE 28, 2015 5:44 PM 
(WND) – During a radio interview Sunday, former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren reinforced his position that President Obama’s relentless outreach to the Muslim world may be motivated by Obama’s being abandoned by two Muslim father figures.
During a radio interview Sunday, Host Aaron Klein asked Oren to elaborate on his claim about Obama’s Muslim father figures allegedly influencing his policy toward the Muslim world.
Oren told his interviewer: “The role of an ambassador is to understand your counterparts. The people you have to work with. So when I came to Washington as ambassador in 2009 we had a new president, President Obama. He wasn’t very well known. He hadn’t been in politics that long. And he clearly had some very strong feelings about the Middle East and what he called the Muslim world.”
Oren noted Obama’s use of the term “Muslim world” was “very indicative.”
“That was his term, The Muslim world. Which also is very indicative. I don’t believe there is a Muslim world. It’s a very loaded term. It’s taken from Islam.”
Oren continued: “And it was my job to figure out. And I went back and I read every speech and every interview. And I particularly read his books. It was very interesting to read his books. Especially the books he wrote before he was running for president. And he talked about all of these connections. And people have very short memories. He would always flag his Muslim family connections in his early speeches, including in his first inaugural address, in the Cairo speech. His first television appearance was to Al Arabiya television in Dubai. His first trips abroad were to Turkey and then to Egypt. And he talked about these connections.”
Oren maintained to Klein that “it’s a legitimate question” to ask whether the “abandonment” by Sotoro and Obama Sr. have been partially driving Obama’s foreign policy.
“It’s a very important question for an ambassador to ask,” he added. “Okay, the president is saying these connections are important to him. And these connections lead him to reach out to the Muslim world. Then certainly it’s in Israel’s interests to find out the way it may impact us.”
- See more at: http://www.teaparty.org/official-obamas-got-muslim-daddy-issues-105139/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=official-obamas-got-muslim-daddy-issues#sthash.bMDriC0P.dpuf

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